Mu'min and Sabr


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Mu'min and Sabr
Tallal Alie Turfe

Patience is a virtue I'll try to explain
A blessing in disguise always to remain
From very deep inside the well of my heart
Peace of body and mind and the will to start
I'm summoned by a call at the dawn of the day
Just giving thanks to Him as I kneel to pray
Endurance is my counsel and faith my guide
The door is open to the struggle inside
With knowledge of certainty, I now can see
The reality of truth, plain as can be
It is charity that gives meaning to life
From the love of my caring in times of strife
Piety and wisdom help me through the day
But always I will return to kneel and pray
For it is patience, the essence of my goal
That enlightens and gives meaning to my soul.


Junior Member
subhanallah walhamdulillah walaailahailallah dearest sister, may Allah swt bless us all with the best of health iman and taqwa.amiin.may Allah swt acccept our prayers and doa.subhanallah.a beautiful poem. you write beautiful poems.may Allah swt bless you hereafter .jazakalallahu khairan katsiran