Mabsoot said:
Personally I find him irritating and not at all funny. But, i guess some people (americans) like him and his humour.
Not that im devoid of humour, on the contrary..... But, I would rather Muslims occupy themselves watching a scholar who speaks with knowledge.
Its just a shame the Ummah is going down the gutter because of this sort of stuff.
Sorry if i offended anyone, just im quite cynical with this sort of stuff. Especially if you contemplate on Muslim history and how Muslims are meant to learn..... and the situation we are in now. Muslims have forgot what is good for them or what "knowledge" actually is... and the principles of actually learning about Islam. To me its just a guy pulling faces and making pretty cheap jokes about Islam, What next a Muslim circus?? Muslim magicians to get kids and people interested in ISlam?
I merged all the threads just to keep the mess down and make things more organised. Also i dont want to encouage people to start using this forum to post every single video on the entire Net. Thats not what this site is about, and we are careful and selective in videos that are placed here. There are 100s of videos that just dont make it.
Salaam Alikom
cheap jokes about Islam
I dont think he is making jokes about islam he is saying what we do wrong in our daily life, I understand your point of trying to joke, well now days most of the youth will not sit or attened lectures, specially the familys telling them even not to go to the mosque in some events.
All what brother Ali is trying to do is to say his point of view in different way, he is not a scholar he is not an 3alim, so he cant not preach or give lectures, he choosed a way where he think he can express his thoughts and at the same time mention a lot of the wrong things we do in our daily life.
On other hand a lot of Non Muslim all what they know about Islam is whats on the media and we all know what kind of news about islam is on TV,
to attract them and show them Islam didnt prohibt the fun but with in the shariah limits I dont think its wrong, just to make one person think and consider to know more about islam is really good, he try to let them think just for a moment that ISLAM is not the way media shows it, on other hand not a lot of non muslim willing to sit down and listen to a Muslim scholar ,
there is a video where he is talking to non muslim and asking them what they know about Islam and really raise a Question in thier mind what really they know about Islam. ( I advise you to watch it)
Its just a shame the Ummah is going down the gutter because of this sort of stuff.
I dont think the way he is trying to say what he thinks is taking the ummah in to the gutter he is trying to show what really we as MUSLIMS do wrong in our daily life that taking the ummah to the Gutter, small things which we really dont think about an exampl try to stand in a Line for salat, some time i really want to get out of the line from what I see and then we expecting our salah to be accepted !!
he is trying to present these mistakes in a different way make people think.
the prophet peace be up on him in one of the narration said to one of his companion who's name was Barkkah to change his name so the companion wondered why the prophet peace be up on him replied so if some one went to you home and you are not there you family wont say there is no brakkah @ the house.
Islam dosnt prohibt the joke as long as its limits true joke and within islamic limits.
but I agree with you I think I shouldnt posted many video about comedy, that why I posted his web site for any one who want to see his video because I wasnt planning to post any more comdey on here,
I feel what Ummah is going through is bigger and more important.
Wa jaaak Allah Khyran
Wa Allah A3lam
salaam alikom