Muslims as portrayed by Bollywood

A Kashmiri

Junior Member
Asallamu Alaikum

Lot of discussions on why the Indian movies show things which are either misinterpretation of Islam or have nothing to do with Islam but still are characterised as muslims.

Indian Cinema has moved from being an art to a big commercial industry. To potray muslims as bad and evil goes in hand to hand with the current political system and the most of the Indian population who are Hindus. They definetly catch the Hindu Fanatic population in the country and they love to watch muslims as evil and being destroyed during the film.

Also Kashmir is the biggest problem for the Indian masses, it is a thorn in the throat of India, now a days you will see lots of Movies being made on Kashmir by bolly wood wherein Kashmiri freedom fighters are evil and villians, indian soldiers as heros. These movies make good money.

Unfortunately there is a huge presence of the so called muslim in the industry but they are too corrupt and too ignorant and far away from islam, for them it doesnt matter how muslims are potrayed.

The other reason is the weak muslim population in india which is mostly uneducated, financially weak, divided into groups which has resulted in no representation of these muslims by a muslim national party at the country level.
You will hear from Indian state run radio and TV stations Gurbhani - SIKH Prayer but you will never find Recitation of Quran or any islamic program even if SIKHs form less than 4 % of Indian population.

Who is to blame ? I belive Indian muslims, who still live in the dreams of being Kings and Nawabs and dont become stronger financially and educationally, and who dont have strength both intellectual and financial so that their voices and feelings are heard.


May Allah show mercy on the indian muslims.



Junior Member
Asallamu Alaikum

Lot of discussions on why the Indian movies show things which are either misinterpretation of Islam or have nothing to do with Islam but still are characterised as muslims.

Indian Cinema has moved from being an art to a big commercial industry. To potray muslims as bad and evil goes in hand to hand with the current political system and the most of the Indian population who are Hindus. They definetly catch the Hindu Fanatic population in the country and they love to watch muslims as evil and being destroyed during the film.

Also Kashmir is the biggest problem for the Indian masses, it is a thorn in the throat of India, now a days you will see lots of Movies being made on Kashmir by bolly wood wherein Kashmiri freedom fighters are evil and villians, indian soldiers as heros. These movies make good money.

Unfortunately there is a huge presence of the so called muslim in the industry but they are too corrupt and too ignorant and far away from islam, for them it doesnt matter how muslims are potrayed.

The other reason is the weak muslim population in india which is mostly uneducated, financially weak, divided into groups which has resulted in no representation of these muslims by a muslim national party at the country level.
You will hear from Indian state run radio and TV stations Gurbhani - SIKH Prayer but you will never find Recitation of Quran or any islamic program even if SIKHs form less than 4 % of Indian population.

Who is to blame ? I belive Indian muslims, who still live in the dreams of being Kings and Nawabs and dont become stronger financially and educationally, and who dont have strength both intellectual and financial so that their voices and feelings are heard.


May Allah show mercy on the indian muslims.


Inshallah and Ameen to your dua for Indian muslims. I hope and pray the same for all muslims around the globe.

I can go into a lengthy discussion and negate all that you have written here (such as "TV stations have Gurbhani" - They have Quran as well and moreover Peace TV is originally from India) and other stuff about everything else but will not do that because I respect your opinion.

One thing though - I agree to your comment that Indian Cinema is more commerncial than being art now. However, at the same time I relaise that the clippings that you have picked from the movies are all one sided. All the movies that you have picked up the scenes from, show that there are good as well as bad people in all communities. But in the end, they show that Muslims are as much par tof India as any other person from a different religion.

Regarding your comment about Indian muslims being either too weak or careless, please name me one non-muslim nation where the first president of the country was a muslim, or name me one non-muslim country which has the 2nd largest muslim population in the world (even a muslim country). India has that distinction.

I hope and pray that we stop blaming other religions for the condition that we (the Ummah) are in as we are no better (probably worse) in muslim countries (such as ban on covering ur head in Turkey, Shia-sunni riots etc).

Allah hafiz


Junior Member
I agree with the previous poster and I guess some Hindus are still angry that Islam came and abolished their caste system and sex temples(not permanently, their thriving today). You do know that in the poorer areas, they sell their girls to temples where men pay to have sex with them? I had to do a project on this a few months ago. Many of the men have AIDS and they think that if they have sex with a virgin, it will cure them of HIV. India has one of the highest rates of AIDS/HIV in the world. Still, they are a very poor people so I have some pity for them.

Allah please have mercy on the Hindus and guide them to Islam. Amin.


Junior Member
Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters, I've actually just wasted 10minutes of time today watching nonsense.


Muslim Unity...
i don't know how people sit and watch a bollywood movie for hours and hours which do no benefit what so ever and its all rubbish a waste of time
god knows what hollywood is and in most bollywood films all you would see is hatred and fights along with that you see them worshipping so many things lol May Allah forgive me if i said anything wrong
May Allah guide us all Ameen


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum
Yea i stopped watching those movies cuz of this I cant believe how much that media is trying to turn ppl against muslims

sister amina

assalamualaikum brother and jazakallahuljannah for posting this video.
this is the problem with these people on one side they boast about some kind of ''secularity,fraternityand brotherhood''and on the other side they portray us muslims in this way, calling, us maniacs and extrmeists.may allah guide us all.


Junior Member
Bollywood is like the Amatuer version of Hollywood without the special effects lol. I don't know if 50% of the viewers are Muslims, that is News to me. I would kind of Understand why Indians/Pakistani/Bangalaies would watch it since it is like the same language but I don't understand why now Arabs or Somalies watch it? They don't speak the language so why would they start watching it? Because Bollywood and India is now targeting the Arab and wider Muslim world and exporting not only Bollywood but Indian/Hindu Ideas and beliefs in those countries. Just recently they signed a deal in the UAE I think to set up a Bollywood studio, why would they want it an Arab country? why not Britain or America? Bollywood also likes to make videos of Muslim Women as Victims of Islam and Muslim Men, they also like to Make videos of Muslim women Falling in Love with Hindu and Sikh Men, Because they know it's against Islam for a Muslim women to marry a Kaffir. But I think they have an Obsession to marrying women so they can convert them to their "culture" and religion. But I don't know the Obsession in Arab countries and Somalians of Bollywood? It's just piece of Garbage. If you Put Fox News on a Movie Stage you will get Bollywood. We as Muslims should not allow Bollywood and any one who works with them like Skaru Kan set up any stage or studios in our countries or else they will start to change your culture and beliefs.

Staff member

Ironically, Bollywood has an army of Muslim Actors, Writers Singers, Musicians etc...



Junior Member
Bollywood is like the Amatuer version of Hollywood without the special effects lol.

Are you sure brother? Their slaps and punches produces exaggerated sounds - YOW! The one slapped can fly as far as to the other end of the room. And it seems that everyone knows the same dance steps to make, cleaners, grandmothers etc. alike.

Still, garbage.


New Member
I being an Indian, let me clarify to the one-sided opinion, Brothers r having by choosing certain clips from Bolywood...

I am making the correction..

The Indian Movies w.r.t. Islam/Muslims has nowhere portrayed exclusively Muslims as gangsters nor have portrayed Islam as a hateful religion.
Ofcourse they have portrayed Pakistan as belligirent country which is agreed to according to the avg opinion of an Indian (Muslim/Hindu)
Nor do they have an intention to provoke Hinduism/Polytheism to other faiths (Islam etc).
Polythiesm/Idol worship is a culture of an avg Hindu, and the same is portrayed in movies...They have no intention for any muslim on that, nor do they expect Muslims to see that...
An avg Muslim should abstain from Indian movies the same way as they should avoid going to places like Temples (IDOLs),Brothels/Clubs in accordance with Islamic laws which forbid raising eyes against a ghair Woman/indecency., and should avoid involvement of politics or blame theories on others who do things based upon their cultures (rather than any wrong intention)......

So my request is to avoid Blamegame upon Indian politics or entertainment, rather we should try to correct our Brothers by advicing them not to see any movie, whether its a Pakistani or Indian, as both are not allowable in Islam.......As far as Hindu-Muslim relationships been portrayed in Bollywood, I Can assure by Swearing in the name of Allah, that Bollywood have been instrumental in making relationships better by portraying Muslims as GENTLE / Lovable to all religions...The reason that in India , Communal Hateful people are not elected, its partly becoz of the influence of Indian Media and Bollywood..You accept it or not...If you dont accept, I wont suggest you that you see all the movies there, but I would suggest you to leave to Allah and Indian muslims to decide what is the truth....

Allah Hafiz



New Member

Assalamu Alakum Brothers/Sisters

Sometime I feel really sad about the situation of deteroirating standards of Living in Muslim Society,...And only recently that I started realising, that perhaps muslims have lost the WISDOM to understand others viewpoints / inside story, they have attributed all their miseries to the Alleged conspiracies of the outside world and so on....
I am pasting some stuff from an article which clearly demonstrate the kind of discussion we are having between Brother "abrother4truth" and other brothers....For that matter the message is for those who have been unnecessarily advising him....

“Anybody desirous of success should spend some time in introspection (self-observation) and contemplation (observation).”

Conspiracy or not, Muslims are to blame for the terrible backlash against Muslims in Western Media. The simple reason is that when a crazy Christian does something terrible, everyone in the West knows it is the actions of a mad man because they have some knowledge of the core beliefs and ethics of Christianity. When a mad Muslim does something evil or foolish they assume it is from the religion of Islam, not because they hate us but because they have never been told by a Muslim what the teachings of Islam are all about. That's why they label Muslim as Muslim, while they label Individual for others.

Their political discourse remains the same as earlier, blaming others for their plight and arguing that they are discriminated against in India...But Indian Muslims need to do some collective introspection as well. For fifty years, the religious and political Muslim elite has not shown any interest in the socio-economic betterment of Muslim masses."

Various arguments are given to explain this predicament. Many Muslims claim that this is a result of an alleged ‘conspiracy’ hatched by others. A large number of Muslim religious leaders, not just in India alone but elsewhere too, seek to explain many of the serious problems of the Muslims in this manner. They claim to locate the ‘hidden hand’ of others behind all their manifold problems. Some of our ulema or religious leaders also seek to provide what they claim is religious justification for this sort of explanation, before which people, even those who are not satisfied with the narrow-mindedness of the approach of these ulema, are forced to keep shut.

In my opinion it is not true to say that the Indian Muslims have no problems at all simply on account of being Muslims and that, in practice, they enjoy equal opportunities in every field with others and that all fields are equally open to them. Nor, however, is it true to say that all, or even most, of these doors have been closed to them and that oppression has now come to be a matter decreed by Fate for them. It is unfortunate that many of our religious leaders believe that the only way out is for a messiah-like figure to appear to deliver them from the situation in which they find themselves. It is equally unfortunate that the Muslim political leadership considers heated rhetoric, empty sloganeering and angry demonstrations as the solution

On the internal front, the single major problem afflicting the Indian Muslims is their woeful state of education. If, after independence, we had focussed simply on promoting education as our agenda, I believe that half the problems that we appear to be confronted with today would not have existed. It is in the field of education and knowledge that we should be focussing our energies, not in engaging in endless controversies with others.

For the Indian Muslims, and Muslims all over the world in general, an intellectual renaissance has now become indispensable. This includes a renaissance in their political, social as well as religious thought. There must be a re-thinking of certain strongly-held notions that have come to be seen an essential part of traditional Islamic thought, although these may not actually be so. In this regard, ijtihad or critical reflection on issues is of immense importance and we can no longer avoid it. Unfortunately, however, many of our ulema continue to ignore, and even deny, the need for ijtihad. Many Indian ulema have simply no idea of the needs and conditions of today’s age. They simply lack the capacity to understand the demands of the times and the need for appropriately addressing these issues. This is a matter of very grave concern.

One issue of considerable importance in this regard is that of relations between Hindus and Muslims. There is an urgent need to revise certain traditional negative understandings upheld by some of our ulema about Hindu-Muslim relations, and to articulate alternate understandings that can help promote, rather than hinder, cooperation and friendly relations between these two communities. Some of our ulema, based on an incorrect understanding of certain verses of the Quran and Hadith reports attributed to the Prophet Muhammad, erroneously argue that true friendship is impossible between Hindus and Muslims. Some of them seek to equate the polytheists of Arabia with the Hindus, and, on this basis, claim that Hindus are the biggest enemies of the Muslims. This, in my view, is not at all correct because the polytheists that the Quran refers to as enemies of Muslims are those who fiercely opposed the Prophet and waged war against him. The laws related to them, I believe, cannot be applied to other people who are not open and avowed enemies of Muslims.

In this regard I must also mention that many Arab ulema are unaware of contemporary global political developments. They have no understanding of the particular conditions and contexts of Muslims living in largely non-Muslim countries, which some of them wrongly brand as dar ul-harb. This is completely wrong. Further, their thought is moulded by the tradition of jurisprudence that developed in the context of Muslim political supremacy. Their writings often leave an indelible impact on simple minds. They rant and rave against secularism by branding it as ‘anti-Islamic’, and have produced huge amounts of literature to make this point. And because the madrasas do not teach their students to relate the tradition of Islamic jurisprudence to changing social and political conditions and contexts, they are unable to understand these vital issues properly and so become wholly conditioned by the contents of this sort of literature. This is an issue that urgently needs to be addressed.

In every country, minorities do face additional problems and issues, and it is unlikely that these can ever be fully resolved. The correct approach in this regard is to accept these conditions as facts and then to work for realistic solutions, instead of stirring unnecessary controversies. Unfortunately, we Muslims focus all our attention on seeking to highlight the causes of our problems instead of working to solve them in a practical, pragmatic and sensible manner.

Unfortunately, the West does not know what every Muslim scholar knows; that the worst enemies of Islam are from within. The worst of these are the khawaarij who delude others by the deeply dyed religious exterior that they project. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said about them, “When you see them pray you will consider your own prayers insignificant. They recite the Quran but it does not exceed the limits of their throat.” In other words, they don’t understand the true meanings. The outward religious appearance and character of the khawaarij deluded thousands in the past, and continues to delude people today. The Muslims should be aware that despite the khawaarij adherence to certain aspects of Islam, they are extremists of the worst type.

Our Prophet said, peace be upon him, “Beware of extremism in your religion.” Islam is the middle way between excess and neglect. Zealots are a plague upon religion. These extremists come in two types. The first is a reactionary extremist who falls far right of a centre-point. Reactionary extremists do not want any pluralism; they view the world in melodramatic, black and white, good and evil terms. They are good and anyone who opposes them is evil. From among the Muslims these are people who ‘excommunicate’ any Muslim who fails to share their interpretations of the Quran. They use takfir and character assassination as a tool for marginalising any criticism directed at them. (This is what I am seeing in the discussion between brothers in this thread)...

Muslims on the other hand, generally prefer to attack the West as the sole reason for their problems when the truth is we are bankrupt as a religious community and our spiritual bankruptcy has led to our inability to even deliver the message of Islam to Westerners in a time when they were giving us platforms to do so.

It is ironic that the Western media while producing many vile programs on Islam has also produced and aired material of the highest quality with a high level of accuracy only to be vilified by Muslims because it was not good enough. Where is our media? Where are our spokespeople? Where are our scholars? Where are our literary figures? The truth is we don’t have any - and so instead of looking inward and asking painful questions such as why we don’t have such things and such people, we take the simple way out by attacking people whom Allah tells us will do mean things, say bad things and plot against us. And always when we are warned we are told to be patient, to work for the good, to trust in Allah, to return to Allah, to implement our deen.

From shock and denial modes, the Indian Muslim community has recently begun to introspect and take positive efforts.....For instance, Recently Muslim scholars, activists and clerics got together and issued fatwas delinking Islam with terror. An eighteen coach Sheikh ul Hind Express from Deoband carrying two thousand clerics set out on a journey with a message of peace and integration.A total of six thousand clerics from twenty one states met in Hyderabad to issue more fatwas against terror activities.



New Member
I only learnt one major thing from Islam and my experience from interaction with people of various nationalities and religion..

I am now going to write based upon a thread which was another instance of Conspiracy theories proven by using Videos from similar elements who uploaded videos of Bollywoood, to incite hatred against Hindus...(which i would say are equivalent to the
cooked and processed verses written by St. PAUL while he was day-dreaming of the Lord and Incorporating the same in BIBLE.)

i.e. Mumbai blasts - The inside story

The thing that I learnt, is something really essential for us to establish and sustain Islamic truth on Earth...
And the thing is
"Speak to the point, and speak with confidence only if you have 100% sure about it"..
"Dont just present a Conspiracy which you feel / dream about or read about"
"Dont use that media for reference which might be biased towards your religion or nationality...Excellent e.g. for the same is (hyderabad) and (pakistan) or (most biased Pakistani site spreading hatred and falsehood against India)
"The article that makes the best sense is the one which is derived from the media which is non-Islamic and which makes an Unbiased approach and which works really hard to dig the center of problems..The best e.g. for the same in India is " and"...In addition to these Major Indian Media Channels like NDTV and IBNLIVE are all Unbiased to the best of my knowledge...These mentioned sites are known for exposing Hindu terrorists over the years and I generally refer these for sending any articles (of atrocities on minorities)
Don't use that media for reference, which has journalists just writing news as HEARD rather than those news AS SEEN.
"Dont do much of suspicion, even though you might have faced a simlar situation in the past (like 911 for USA, or Samjauta express)
"Treat each new problem with a fresh , relaxed , open mind rather than with the mindset of previous bad experiences
"Learn to give the benefit of the doubt to the community/region who actually suffered it and who actually is having a real Time Live Telecast on the same and also having a Hard Time to digest tremendous losses... ( reference to Mumbai Attack )
"Try to acknowledge who actually suffered and who is gaining out of that...To my knowledge its only the Indians who have lost lot of Entrepreneurs including the Entire Family of The Hotel General Manager and Commandos and Police and even Jewish families...
"Indians Lost not just ATS Chiefs, it also lost Policemen, Commandos...If they were doing a fake rehearsal, how come we see them losing their lives, and their parents heedless of the same.
Don't use politicians like Antulay or Pranab or Karakare's death, for ascertaining your point.. After all these people have never been EYE-WITNESS to the event..
Speak only things relevant to the situation and don't add SALT to the wounds....Keep ISLAM and Muslims out of the loop....

Smartness and Wisdom is the key to make people hear from you...
if we just believing in fellow friends/local media and keep forwarding provocatiive news to others without ourselves confirming the same, then
one day we would end up being a LIAR who is spreading the religion thorough maipulation of truths and sword (which we know is not the case).