muslims in non-muslim countires:)


Always Alhamdulilah
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu :)

Hope your all in the best health of imaan :D :D

I need som opinions about the woman in islam- I'm sure many of you know better than me.
Now we have a project at school, which is about immigrants in germany; and the most of them are turkish, and muslims.

Then we'll talk about how it is possible to integrate, in a society as Germany as a muslimah or muslim. And IS it possible, to be a muslim and at the same time democratic..:)

I have my opinions, and its lots of them- but I still need my sister and brothers opinion on this issue.. I'm sure many of u who lives in non-muslim countries understands me..

Ofcourse the muslim girl/woman is the biggest subject in this case- therefor there is an focus on the woman in islam.
We are gonna tell it to some young non-muslims, (16-19 years old) :)

Hope someone can help me, with what the prophet has said about women/men, and marriage fx.

May Allah bless you alle foreveer and always! :D :tti_sister:
Love you all for the sake of Allah

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu :hijabi::hijabi:


Always Alhamdulilah
Thank you so much brother- and yes that was my question :)

But really thanks- The example with Umar (ra) and Abu Bakr(ra) is ofcourse a the REAl democraty :) :) Alhamdulilah..

The non-muslim countries has Just got what they call Democraty for few years ago!
Alhamdulilah for the blessing of Islam!

Thanks again :)

Wassalam alaikum warahmatullah!


Junior Member
brother ayman excellent reply :) id also like to add that Allah told the Prophet peace be upon him to take the opinion of the sahabah- 'wa shawirhom fil amir' (sorry i dont have the verse to hand) so, we, as muslims, had democracy 1431 years ago alhamdulilah!

also yes, as a Muslim born and bred in the West, i believe that i have 'integrated' and Iam part of this community, by this i mean I can relate to, understand and deal with people in society from all walks of life without the need to abandon any aspect of my faith alhamdulilah.

wishing you every success in youre talk/project- that is da'awah in itself :)