My Palestinian Brothers and Sisters


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ


This is a poem written by Mohammad Abdullah. I enjoyed reading it and thought to share it with you too.

Oh My Palestinian Bothers, Sisters and Children!
I hate my fate that I am not amongst you;
In the heaps of the dead with the bodies torn,
The angels escorting your souls to the Paradise.

You are enjoying the fruits of the Celestial Bliss,
Your innocent blood spilled on the earth;
Is cultivating a new crop of the valiant crusaders,
Who will uproot the pillars of the oppression?

Your survivors are still looking around,
For help from the brothers in the name of faith;
Their people know them as mighty kings and heads,
But they are stupid lackeys of the American Tyrant.

Believe me! I am discerning red clouds over the skies,
The Doom of the aggressor? Is written on them;
The Divine Justice is now making its way,
The worst awaits your brothers - the silent spectators.



New Member
i found this real gud poem :

You wonder what my shade is,
What it represents.
Call me anything;
An extremist, a fundamentalist,
Anything you desire.
I don't care.
My shade is
My protection
from this evil world,
from roaming eyes,
from diseased hearts.
Call me anything;
Vain or
don't care.
My shade is
My Protection
of my beauty,
reserved for one
special gift
that God has given me;
My Life Partner.
This world
is but a fleeting moment
about to end
at Any Time.
The Signs are here.
The Day of Judgement is coming.
No one will enter my grave with me except
My body, my heart, my soul.
Call me a pessimist,
I don't care.
My shade
Covers me
Like a tree from the sun;
Like a coat of wax
on your shiny new sportscar.
My shade
My protection,
is my Khimaar,
I am a woman of Islaam.

salamz x


Subhana Allah!


This is a poem written by Mohammad Abdullah. I enjoyed reading it and thought to share it with you too.

Oh My Palestinian Bothers, Sisters and Children!
I hate my fate that I am not amongst you;
In the heaps of the dead with the bodies torn,
The angels escorting your souls to the Paradise.

You are enjoying the fruits of the Celestial Bliss,
Your innocent blood spilled on the earth;
Is cultivating a new crop of the valiant crusaders,
Who will uproot the pillars of the oppression?

Your survivors are still looking around,
For help from the brothers in the name of faith;
Their people know them as mighty kings and heads,
But they are stupid lackeys of the American Tyrant.

Believe me! I am discerning red clouds over the skies,
The Doom of the aggressor? Is written on them;
The Divine Justice is now making its way,
The worst awaits your brothers - the silent spectators.


wa-alaykuma salam

:ma: it's beautiful and heart touching poem. jazak Allahu khayra for sharing.


Subhana Allah!
i found this real gud poem :

You wonder what my shade is,
What it represents.
Call me anything;
An extremist, a fundamentalist,
Anything you desire.
I don't care.
My shade is
My protection
from this evil world,
from roaming eyes,
from diseased hearts.
Call me anything;
Vain or
don't care.
My shade is
My Protection
of my beauty,
reserved for one
special gift
that God has given me;
My Life Partner.
This world
is but a fleeting moment
about to end
at Any Time.
The Signs are here.
The Day of Judgement is coming.
No one will enter my grave with me except
My body, my heart, my soul.
Call me a pessimist,
I don't care.
My shade
Covers me
Like a tree from the sun;
Like a coat of wax
on your shiny new sportscar.
My shade
My protection,
is my Khimaar,
I am a woman of Islaam.

salamz x

Asalamu alaykum

masha ALlah, nice poem jazak Allahu khayra.



Allahu Akubar!!!!!

:salam2: both poems are nice..jzk keyran for sharing. and May Allah help our brothers and sisters in Gaza