My Terrorism Case

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Asalaam alaikum,


First let me welcome you to TTI.

This brother is one of the good guys. He is like a son to me.

He is very shy. He is all about the good things. He is for real. And he knows I love him...that should get a response from him.

Forgive me but, I am protective of him. He is sincere.

muhammad sabri

Junior Member

Dear brother i gladly accept your love and i answer it by saying' that i also love you for the sake of Allah(swt) and inch'Allah ,Allah(swt) will love you even more than anyone could ever do because of the test you're being put in, you have my du'a for sure :) and the only advice i can give you is the same advice that Allah(swt) would give you:

"And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirun (the patient)". - (Surah Baqarah V155)

"Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning.'' - (Surah Al Zumar V 10)

My dear brother if you have patience then..Allah(swt) Himself is giving you glad tiding and wallahy that is enough :) i pray Allah(swt) that He may easen your task just like he easened the task of Musa(AS) when he said:

25. Qala rabbi ishrah lee sadree

25. (Moses) said: "O my Lord!
Expand me my breast;

26. Wayassir lee amree

26. "Ease my task for me;

27. Waohlul AAuqdatan min lisanee

27. "And remove the impediment
From my speech,

28. Yafqahoo qawlee

28. "So they may understand
What I say

Dear and beloved brother..Musa(a.s) had faith in Allah(swt) and Allah(swt) helped with a mighty help! So have faith in Him(swt) for verily there is no God but Allah al-Rahman(The Compassionate), al-Rashid(The Guide to the Right Path)

wajazakallahu khayran



Junior Member

May Allah keep you strong during this time and the truth will come out have no fears. I have been visitied by the FBI before but never taken away like you have.


Pearl of Islaam
Assalamu allaicum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

Welcome back dear brother. InshAllah I will keep you in my duas.

May Allah help you in resolving your problem.Ameen summa ameen


Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
There are things in your story that don't add up. How do we know that you are our brother? You are wolf in sheeps clothing, insha'Allah you find what you are looking for, I will warn you, only the truth will be found here. May Allah have mercy on your soul.

Can I ask you the same question, how do we know you are our sister? May Allah have mercy on your soul too.

O you who believe! Avoid much suspicions, indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is the One Who accepts repentance, Most Merciful. [Al-Hujurat, 49:12]


New Member
Asalaam alaikum,


In the thread about you the person who opened the thread was a new member. I had volunteered to call the masjid you attend. And I kept looking at the user name of the new member. It did not make sense. I pm'ed a brother and saw that the thread was moved.

So what if I was a new member??? Why would you suspect that I was a troll because of my poor choice of name or whatever??? Why would you do that?? Why on earth would I spread a false news about a brother's arrest? Was that something to joke about?? Ridiculous , I never thought you can do this. I had much respect for you in past!

It was so humiliating when a mod e-mailed me warning not to open any such thread ever w/o e-mailing him or words to that effect and I wasn't wrong to think you were the one responsible for that. You suspect too much woman! :astag: I was so hurt I never came back to TTI until today to read what the brother posted.

........but I think my purpose of spreading the news of brother 'AuthenticBase's arrest was accomplished when I read posts like 'Itqan Ullah's post where he said he was making dua for brother's arrest just today and when he returned to his home and logged in he saw 'theauthenticbase' posting! Alhamdulillah, that's what I wanted, people to make dua for the brother unlike some people who love to suspect.

.....& subhanAllah how you are showing off that you volunteered to contact the mosque he goes to but never mentioned if you have done so then who gave you the information about the mosque & location etc!!!! You dismissed my credibility and now showing off that you volunteered to contact his mosque and blah blah blah?!!! Ridiculous !!!


New Member
As for the sisters who are saying you love this brother 'The Authenticbase' then with all due respect, you are not allowed to say so to a non-mahram. I think he has warned you a lot of time not to do that but you still continue saying that. I think you didn't get the consequences of that. This may create so much fitnah! It just melts a man's heart you know and I guess you will be hurting your mahram's gheerah (hopefully they have lots of gheerah over you inshAllah) by saying to a total stranger you love him for the sake of Allah etc! When Allah doesn't want you to say such word to your ghayr mahrams. I have heard this so many times, specially the one lecture delivered by Yasir Qadhi, can't remember the name right now. Just a reminder.


Assalaam alaikum,

Yes, brother usernames are important. They convey much. The thread disappeared. Things did not make sense. I posted that I did a through search for arrest records. Nothing turned up. I did not wish to complicate matters and involve more innocents.

I waited and waited. I searched and nothing. You stopped posting. Why be hurt? What did you do besides get hurt/

Yes, I contacted a moderator. And it was to protect the site. There are some of us who think and do not get emotional. We think for many hot heads.

Now quit your ranting; honestly get in line with all those who harbor ill towards me. I think you will have a long wait.


Junior Member
assalamu alaikum ,inshaAllah He(swt) will always protect his own jst have it at the back of ur mind that Allah the Almighty will not put u in a situation dat u cannot handle and remember dat he is ur Wali so have Faith in Him and be strong . May Allah make it easy for you amin.


Junior Member
As-salamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

This is so sad :( May Allah protect you and your family from trouble. Where do you live brother? You should seek help from the local Muslim community and get yourself a good lawyer Inshallah.


New Member
Assalaam alaikum,

Yes, brother usernames are important. They convey much. The thread disappeared. Things did not make sense. I posted that I did a through search for arrest records. Nothing turned up. I did not wish to complicate matters and involve more innocents.

I waited and waited. I searched and nothing. You stopped posting. Why be hurt? What did you do besides get hurt/

Yes, I contacted a moderator. And it was to protect the site. There are some of us who think and do not get emotional. We think for many hot heads.

Now quit your ranting; honestly get in line with all those who harbor ill towards me. I think you will have a long wait.


Usernames convey much less than our mindset towards people.

I have no wish to get into a long discussion over you being suspicious issue as I have a life alhamdulillah ! Btw, the thread disappeared after you contacted the mod. Protect the site? Phew!

Sadly, you couldn't justify your deed.

Anyways, I am not looking for your reply! End of discussion.


Staff member
wa'alaykum salaam

You were absent because you were arrested? SubhanAllah.

When was this and how long if I may ask? The thread was made 05-21-2012 - was it from all that time?

Itqan Ullah

Time is Running!!
My suspicion is not that the brother is a bad guy or that he is not respected here or this tragedy has or has not occurred. I am actually quite sure it has. With that said, the fact is, some suspicions are sinful. That I suspect that this is not the brother but that a government agency could/would/has pose(d) as someone they were building a case against is not what the above quote is referring to.

How do we know its our brother and not some govt. Official?

1. His writing style.
2. The threads he started + posts of Facebook + posts on his blog containing Islamic information. (Again its his style of sharing info ;) )

So the most probable assumption I can make is he is our brother.


Asalaam alaikum,


I have been on this site for over five years. I have seen many of the young brothers mature into men. I hold a fondness for them as they grow in faith. Many of the brothers become so shy as they mature.

Our brother has blossomed in faith before my eyes. I even had to ask him how to address him as not to hurt his feelings. He is sensitive.

He never argues and is one of the brothers who always posted beneficial items. I did a lot of thinking about contacting the masjid. I did not. I did not want to cause any more problems for him. I am also a realist and know how I am tracked. I can not afford to have any more suspicion cast my way. I have been warned to stay away from much.

I find this website to be beneficial for many reasons thus I am somewhat protective of the site. I am not an alarmist.

And you have every right to question us. I do so constantly. We are to uphold the truth. And when we take on that responsibility we do not hide anything. The truth saves us from emotional roller-coasters.

InshaAllah, the brother will become even stronger.

As to brother who is upset with me...I used to tease our brother about being spongebob squarepants. His piety puts a smile on my face.

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
Fair question. And I cannot prove in anyway that I am your sister. Although, let me clarify my suspicions since some of you are naive to the world we live in and are unable to deduce what my message meant. (btw Aapa, I'm really surprised you didn't get it, but bc of your fondness of the brother as a son, I can understand the cloudy judgement)

My suspicion is not that the brother is a bad guy or that he is not respected here or this tragedy has or has not occurred. I am actually quite sure it has. With that said, the fact is, some suspicions are sinful. That I suspect that this is not the brother but that a government agency could/would/has pose(d) as someone they were building a case against is not what the above quote is referring to. Learn a little procedural law and what the affect of 9/11 had on government agencies working together before accusing me of eating rotting flesh. The government will play on our human emotion in attempt to find something to use against him or another.

If you are close to him as a few here have claimed then please offer the support in person & somewhere safe, not the masjid.

Do you like to revisit your own post? I quote again below:

There are things in your story that don't add up. How do we know that you are our brother? You are wolf in sheeps clothing, insha'Allah you find what you are looking for, I will warn you, only the truth will be found here. May Allah have mercy on your soul.

You don't suspect he is bad guy, yet you are making the above statement which contradicting. This brother need our support, don't attempt to add salt to his wound. If he is lying, Allah knows best.

You are calling him "wolf in sheeps clothing", what that means?

You said "I warn you, only the truth will be found here", what are you trying to say?

Is not suspicious, you are already making an accusation against him. My advise, pls seek his apology before it is too late.

And let me tell you, I'm not angry with you just my sincere advise. I'm sorry if I wronged you.


Assalaamu 'alaykum!
Assalaamu 'alaykum,

Just wish to say jazaakAllaahu khairan for everyone's support.

Btw yes this is me, dunno how some ppl want me to prove that tho!? lol

InshaaAllaah will reply to individual comments... for the meantime, jzk again and keep me in ur du'aas...
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