My Unseen Best Friend...


Nothing but Muslimah

People have thousands of dreams in this short life...
Some times some dreams come true whenever we want it...
Some times some dreams become true, but little later always...
But some times some dreams are not granted by Allah Azzawajal in this world.. :) Alhamdulilah.. It's becuase Allah (SWT) knows, what is suiting them the most and what is not...

Yet with a little hope and lots of trust in Allah.. we continue to dream....
Same way.. I too wish that I had a wonderful friend as per my wish.. Subhanallah... I still have the dreams... I pray it should become true one day...

I wrote this poem long long ago.... but it is still alive fresh with the same hopes in my heart.. :)

My Unseen Best Friend...
You are some one whom I love the most
among my friends..

You are the one whom I do respect
whom I do care....

You are the one, sent by Allah
to share my life..

You are the "Closest heart" of my heart
who will never depart...

You are the one who will come with me
wherever I go..

You are the one who will share my smiles
and bare my tears..

You are the one who will help me
with whatever I do..

You are the one who will give the hands
in my jihad..

You are the one whom I will meet
in my life
Insha Allah..
By:- Bint Thamiem
Share your poems regarding your "DREAMS" if you have any, Insha Allah

sabina isa

Junior Member
You brought tears to me dear. It is indeed a noble dream. I prayed once Allah swt and He granted to me. Was meant to be short, but Allah indeed answers the deep, sincere prayers. Pray and ALLAH SWT will granted to you.

We salam