Nag Hamadi scrolls


Junior Member
Salaam Aleykom, I found something interesting and thought I share it with others. The Nag Hamadi scrolls were discovered in 1945 by a Muslim boy In Egypt. The boy was sent out to find something like wood or anything which is mother could use to make a fire to bake bread. He kicked around in the sand and found some old rusty pots and they were filled with what appeared to be wood. He brought them home and his mother began throwing some pieces in the fire. His father came home and noticed that these little wood pieces had old writing on them. He took them to one of his friends and they noticed that they were ancient and a British man bought them and took them to be studied. After studying them, it turns out they had discovered some of the most ancient scrolls and they even predate the current books of the Bible. These books were hidden for centuries before the coming of our Prophet(saaws) and were not discovered until 1945.

These scrolls were hidden and they appear to belong to an ancient community which was persecuted and they were not Pauline followers. They refer to Paul as a Liar and instead were supporters of Yacoub El Zadik(James the Just). This person was like a Khalifa and he was the successor of Isa(as) and was the leader of the Nasara movement. These people were purely monotheistic and lived very similar to Muslims. They sometimes referred to as Gnostics and also viewed as heretics by the churches. Among the scrolls were very important information. For example, there is book known as the Gospel of Thomas and what is interesting about this Gospel is not necessarily what in them but rather what is not in them. There is no mention of a trinity, no Eucharist, no mention of the crucifixion which is the foundation of Christianity nor is there any mention of original sin. Among them are also two separate documents which directly confirm the Quranic claim about Isa(as) and the alleged crucifixion.

Allah says in the Quran:

“...And their saying , ‘indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the Son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.” And they did not Kill him, nor did they Crucify him; but another was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except following assumption. And they did not kill him, for CERTAIN.” (4:157)

the scrolls in two separate documents state:

“...I saw him apparently being seized by them. And I said, “what am I seeing, O Lord? Is it really you whom they take? And are you holding on to me? And are they hammering the feet and hands of another? The Savior said to me, “He whom you saw being glad and laughing above the cross is the Living Jesus. But he into whose hands and feet they are driving the nails is his fleshy part, which is THE substitute. They put to shame that which remained in his LIKENESS. And look at him, and [look at] me!” (Apocalypse of Peter)

“...It was another who drank the gall and vinegar; it was not I. They struck me with the reed; it was ANOTHER, Simon, who bore the cross on his shoulder. It was ANOTHER upon whom they placed the crown of thorns. BUT I was rejoicing in the height over...their error...AND I WAS LAUGHING at their ignorance.” (The Second Treatise of The Great Seth)

We know that these stories are “Newer” by this time but using a Historical theory: “The simplest story tends to be the oldest,” we can assume the following

A different tradition: Jesus not killed

Another made to look like him

There is confusion about this incident

It was not known until 60 years ago, yet Allah said them almost 400 years after their elimination.

So who differed on this who came up with this Idea? Paul! A man not around until after the fact.

Galatians 2:15- 3:5

Who is his opponent in this matter

It is the Hebrew tradition that the Messiah can not be killed (Jamesian)

These books were discovered barely 60 years ago yet they are in confirmation of the Quranic claim. The further back we go in history, the more we see monotheism and an Isa(as) as described in the Quran. The more we get further away toward the second, third and fourth centuries CE the more we start seeing shirk and falsehoods. It is also a fact that many ancient Christian communities started off purely monotheistic and a few examples are the Nestorians, Paulicians(not to be confused with Paul the founder of modern Christianity) and the Arians. The Arians were at one point just as popular as the modern Christianity is and they were more popular in the east. They caused much controversy during the fourth and fifth centuries CE and it was through violence and persecution that these communities were removed. There is little wonder that Islam has almost entirely swept away Christianity in the Middle East because most of them had a monotheistic concept and most reverted to Islam in the 7th century as they saw it was only a confirmation of their original belief.

For example the Nestorian Christians(Mesopotamia/modern Iraq) almost all embraced Islam between the 7th and 9th century. They played a big role in the Islamic success such as translating the works of the ancient Greeks into Aramaic and then to Arabic. I wish more Muslim scholars would get engaged and study these findings such as the Qumran scrolls and the Nag Hamadi. An Atheist Jewish professor, Robert Eisenman, wrote in big bold letters
Where are the Muslims in this case? Here are things which confirm the things about their prophet and instead they have fallen into the trap of getting their information about Jesus from Christians".

This is an Atheist who has nothing invested in this yet he is shocked that Muslim scholars are instead debating about Bible contradictions. As one Muslim lectured put it, "why waste time debating about silly Bible contradictions with Christians when the books are fabricated to begin with" "It's like going to a book of fabricated hadeeths and finding contradictions in them". The contradictions in the Bible are known and long been debated, but the faith of those who support them is in Paul and the churches. Whenever I quote the Bible, I get chewed out and people accuse me of twisting and misquoting verses to suit Islam. I have learned my lesson since and I no longer do it. In a way I agree because it isn't fair for me to disbelieve in their book yet quote it. It is good of course to show another view point but most will say we are misquoting them and this is exactly what the church does to begin with.

I once asked a Christian lady what her proof is for the crucifixion of Jesus(as), and her response was "Rashad, there is something called faith". I even told her that the Bible didn't come out for the first time until almost 300 years after Isa was already gone and she didn't care because it comforted her, it made sense and she had faith in them.
