Question: namaz question please help.


assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

i have 2 questions for namaz please help.

question 1 : in 4 rakat namaz in the 3rd & 4th ruku after reciting (fatiha ) do i need to recite any sura? .
the reason i ask cause am not very sure also i seen few sites people say u dont have to.
please give me your question from your experience.

question 2 : in (witr ) namaz i am still trying to memorize the ( e qunoot ) can i just say ( yah rabi ) 3 times ?...


Junior Member
Aw alaikim alsalam wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh
You don't need to recite any sura after Fatiha in 3rd ,4rd ruku.
The second question I am not sure I think in witer you can say any duaa in qunoot.

I wish someone with more knoweldge correct me if I am wrong.


Junior Member
wa 3alaikom assalam

you pray as you like in qunut el watre but it is most preferable if you use the words of the prophet (peace be upon him) then you add your own prayers. Also, you have to know that it's a sunna and you have to do it just for sometime and not always !