Natural Weight-Loss Foods: Pineapple


Junior Member
Natural Weight-Loss Foods: Pineapple

If you need something really sweet, and not just any old fruit will do, reach for fresh pineapple. It is one of the sweetest fruits around, and has much less caloric value than a sugary, flour-filled, processed dessert.

Although pineapples from Puerto Rico , Mexico , and elsewhere are cheaper, they aren't as juicy and flavorful as those from Hawaii . But all pineapples share the same desirable characteristics: exceptionally sweet taste and high fiber content.

Health Benefits

Serve pineapple for dessert and no one will complain about missing sweets. That's just one benefit of this delicacy. Moreover, its fiber will fill you up and might help keep you regular. Pineapple is also a sweet way to get your manganese, which is one of many bone-strengthening minerals and a star player when it comes to protecting you against free radical damages via its role in the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase.

One cup exceeds a day's recommended amount by 30 percent. You also get a decent amount of copper and thiamin, plus more than a third of your recommended vitamin C needs.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, but it also helps keep your immune system in tip-top shape by increasing your resistance against colds, flu, and other infectious diseases. Fresh, raw pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that aids digestion and helps prevent inflammation and swelling. To get the most anti-inflammatory benefit, some suggest that you eat pineapple alone so the bromelain isn't used up digesting other food you've eaten with it.

Selection and Storage

Nutritional Values

Pineapple, Fresh
Serving Size: 1 cup diced Calories: 77
Fat: 0 g
Saturated Fat: 0 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Carbohydrate: 20 g
Protein: 1 g
Dietary Fiber: 2 g
Sodium: 1 mg
Vitamin C: 56 mg
Thiamin: <1 mg
Copper: <1 mg
Manganese: 2 mg

When choosing pineapple, forget all the other tricks; let your nose be your guide. A ripe pineapple emits a sweet aroma from its base, except when cold. Color is not reliable; ripe pineapples vary in color by variety. Don't rely on plucking a leaf from the middle either. You can do this with all but the most unripe pineapples. And it can just as easily mean that it's rotten.

Choose a large pineapple that feels heavy for its size, indicating juiciness and a lot of pulp. The "eyes" should stand out. A ripe pineapple yields slightly when pressed.

Once a pineapple is picked, it's as sweet as it will ever get. It does no good to let it "ripen" at home. It will only rot.

Life Smiles at You When you are Happy,
Life Salutes You When You Make Someone else Happy..!


New Member

There are a number of foods that are high in calories that will build fat quickly, especially with little activity, so watch what you eat.

The food we eat has a deeper connection than to maintain our body weight and look fit. Our body functions on these foods. This means that if you eat unhealthy food, your body will have problems functioning. Eating a lot of acidic food can lead to acidity. This happens because the amount of acid in our body super cedes that of the alkalies. In such cases, people are advised to drink only alkaline water. Alkaline water is specially formulated water with the goodness of alkalies.


Junior Member
another thing.

If one day, during company, and you simply must make somthing like cake, make banana bread! it's just as good and uses less sugar! you can look up the recipies on the internet anytime.


New Member
Maintaining a healthy diet may indeed be a little difficult especially if we are constantly in a rush. One way of making a healthy and balanced diet is to choose healthier foods and do away with those fancy and fast foods. It is not hard to find a piece of apple for a snack or a have some vegetables for dinner. You just have to choose healthy foods while shopping or you can store them frozen.


New Member
Whole food supplements will act as vitamins and minerals to the body. The unnaturally produced vitamins and minerals reduce the chance to take benefit of the other naturally occurring benefits that are there in fruits or vegetables.


Junior Member
Coming back here!:lol:

Awwww- for me pinapple is a bit sour lol

Once I made carrot\banana\raisen bread- as a loaf- it was so cool!!!!!:D

But it said to use sugar:angryred: And I was thinking- what kind of BREAD recipie is that!!! It's SUPPOSED to be healthy!!!!!!
Lol- so instead of half a cup of sugar- I used about a quart of a cup of honey!!!!!!:D

And it was SO GOOD!!!!!
