
Sab'a Sita Ethnain
Asalamu 'Alaykuum,

Okay guys, I need your help inshallah. I'm currently developing a design journal entitled "Reality Design Journal" in which I compile images of real life things/situations and portray them in a journal with a real sarcastic and sad look (this will be an ELECTRONIC journal only and will not be printed). It is making a statement about the world we are living in. Currently, I am working on the first issue entitled "A look into 'BEAUTIFUL' Palestine" in which I am compiling pictures of atrocities, sadness, imprisonment all pictures that have to do with Palestine's atrocities. As you view each picture I have inserted a sarcastic caption and there is also a depressing/sarcastic story being told underneath each picture to really make you feel shocked/saddened by what you are seeing. You will come to understand that through the pictures I'm making a statement that the world does not know the truth behind Palestine. So what I need from you inshallah is to compile images for me inshallah and just post them in this thread. Currently I have only developed 3 pages of the journal and I'm looking to bring that up to about 16-18 pages inshallah. So please help me! May Allah reward all those who help, Ameen.

And just so you know how the journal looks like and what you should expect to see in the journal, please download the DRAFT of the three pages of the journal from the following link (also please view it on 75% zoom for optimum view inshallah) <<<<<Download and view please!

Wasalam 'Alaykuum Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatu!


Sab'a Sita Ethnain
UPDATE: The following is a revised draft with some additions and editing. Please download and view inshallah (75% zoom) And just a note, "Elite Design Studio" is my current studio name and there are studios out there that come up with design books/journals etc, so I've decided to go with a controversial one... So yeah... <<<<New revised version.

Wasalam 'Alaykuum.