needs reasons to believe again.


New Member
i been through so much with moving back and forward every year and making new friends and practicing my believe but now i feels like i have nothing eventhought i have my family with me. :girl3::girl3::SMILY252::SMILY209::redface::(


Junior Member

sister life of this world is a test. We are in this world because Allah wants us to enter paradise by defeating our nefs (feelings) which is attracted to evil deeds and glorify His majesty . We can manage this if we believe in Allah and love Allah.

I´m sure you believe in Allah. Don´t you?

Make a decision what you want to reach in life. If you decide for gaining the pleasure of Allah you´ll feel peace and happiness inshaallah. And if you decide for the happiness of this world only... you´ll get it too!

But be alive to that the hearafter is much better than this world! Allah Subanallahu Teala says that!

Do not let obstacles prevent you from going towards your aim. In obstacles are lessons we can lern and benefit from. They also show us our shortage. So we need to think how can we improve us.

I can imagine that it must be hard to move continuously. I also don´t know how to comfort your heart to be honest. But all I can say is put your trust in Allah.

And do not say you´ve nothing when you are a believer. One of the names of Allah is Al-Iman. Iman is such a great blessing and treasure. The one who is blessed by Allah with Iman is lucky.



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