New member


Junior Member
Salamu Aleikom wa rahmatullah barakatuhu all,

My name is Linda, and in a few days it has been 1 month since my reversion to Islam and approximately 2 years since the first time I opened a book about Islam. 2 month ago I was a Christian evangelist Lutheran baptized, confirmed at the age of 15.

Certainly, in my 21 years of age as a Lutheran I have not been as active in my remembrance of, good deeds, and worship FOR Allah, as what I have been for the past 1 month as a Muslim. :)

I am glad to be a new member of this site.

I am currently living in Helsinki.

Have a nice day to all and Salamu aleikom ,



Junior Member
Salam alaikum Sister
Welcome to Islam and Welcome to this forum
And i'm glad to have you here with us :)

Umm Abdullah

Junior Member
Wa aleykum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh dear sister:)

I am very glad that you became a muslimah alhamdulillah ! Truly Islam is our biggest blessing, لحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام‎ا
Welcome to the forum sister, and I hope you will benefit from it in sha Allah


Staff member
Wa-alaykum-us-salaam wa'rahmatullah,

Alhamdu'lillaah that you are a Muslim, and welcome to the forum.

Out of curiosity would you like to share your journey (i.e., what inspired you to check on Islam, what was the ultimate or that's it, this is the path? Of course only Allah guides although it is interesting to see the means. Did you experience any difficulties or people that were upset? If you do not wish to share, I completely understand as you are under no obligation to divulge such information).

Anyway, will be good to see you post further sister.


Junior Member
Salamu Aleikom wa rahmatuallah wabarakatuhu ... welcome sister, inshallah u will have a nice life in Islam.



1 Ummah under God
wa'alaikum as'salaam,

welcome to the forum dear sis. We have great sisters here and lots of threads with islamic info. I hope your stay here will be an enjoyably and beneficial one inshallah. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have in your journey of knowledge.


Staff member
wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhh

Alhamdulillah we hope you will enjoy your stay and be part of the TTI family!

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Salam alaykum

Welcome to forum dear sister.

Helsinki? Oh then I have to greet you again:

Tervetuloa foorumille rakas sisko.
