new on here!!


New Member


i registered on a here a few days ago, but have been a visitor for a long time.

i reverted to Islam on the 1st of may, after being brought up as a catholic for 16years. i found no truth and had too many questions as a catholic, but after discovering Islam, my questions were answered, and i decided i wanted to follow this path of truth!! since reverting, my life has changed as a whole. i have friends now who i can actually call friends, i dont seem to be as stressed and depressed as i used to be, and i feel i can in Allah!:subhanallah:

i wasnt a nice person before reverting, had bad habits, did bad things. i was a drug addict and had problems with my drinking, had fights, wore clothes that were barely clothes with all they showed, and was in general, a nasty person. i never thought i would change as much as i have, i truly thought i wouldnt live to see my 20th birthday. it was the hold drugs had upon me, and i had no one or nothing to reach out to. i even had a 'just if i die' letter in my draw next to my bed. i needed a job, because i couldnt afford my 'hits'. i applyed at the local asian take away, and it was here i discovered Islam. since that day, over 2 years ago now, my whole life has been different! a guy who worked there, seemed to see past my habits, and introduced me to Islam. he knew how bad things were, and he told me he was convinced i would find help within taking on this religion, even if i was just to read up on it. 3months after that day, i was clean of drugs, and was keeping well away from alcohol and other habits. i carried reading up on Islam, for a following year and a half, and one day, i just knew i had to revert, i just knew it was right, and could see no wrong.

now, i am InshaAllah to marry to the same guy who introduced me to Islam, and we are expecting a baby girl, due on december 29th! (she was conceived before my reversion.)

anyway, just thought i would tell of my story! Islam really is the truth, really is the right path!!!!!!!!
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:




Slave of Almighty
:salam2: :bismillah:

masa Allah Sister..Welcome back to your original religion which is ISLAM.. its nice to hear your story..i would like to ask as a request dont let your emotion down..and give the same message which you got to your friend s circle.. you now reliase what islam is ..Peace and Only Peace..

If you need any help we brothers and sister always here to help each other..

:) :) :)

Ahmed ibn Ibrahim


::tears welling up in my eyes::

Oh sister, welcome! You are most welcome here! Noone here judges you poorly - infact it is highly commendable for the way you turned your life around, by the grace of our Lord.

It is rare I hear such honest and touching introductions. It's amazing to hear some of the destructive life patterns that can emerge, even when a person is a devout Christian - and more amazing still to hear how EVERYTHING can change when the truth is revealed. God bless your husband-to-be: what a guy! May Allah have extra mercy and kindness upon him. =) I will make a prayer for your new family right this minute. May your baby girl bring you such joy and love as you've never experienced from a person before! =)

I am confident you will find our forum community helpful and tolerant, and the resources available on this website beneficial on your quest deeper into the beauty of Islam, InshaAllah. Again, welcome sister!

With much joy,
Brother Ahmed.


Staff member
Assalamu Alaikum



:ma: sis you have embraced Islam.

Welcome to the website!:biggrin:



Staff member
Assalamu alaykum,

mashaAllah, may Allah bless you and your family....

Welcome to the site, am really happy for you. you are our sister in Islam!

Previous deeds are gone, Islam cleanses all past deeds whatever they may have been.. Allah is the most merciful the most kind.

Welcome to the website.
Lhamdo li Allah you found the straight path. That's good that you feel better than before:)