Thank You Allah!
Assalamu alaykum
I'm going through a hardship and I keep making dua to Allah to help me, but whenever I do that, I start getting whispers from shaytan. Usually you get whispers telling you that Allah will not accept your dua, but because of my certainty that Allah will inshaAllah, I don't usually get these whispers. Instead, I get get whispers telling me that ALlah will not give me what I want but something better. Now, this is such a good thought. However, everytime I think that, it gives me no comfort whatsoever, and I get so depressed and start questioning Allah asking why He can't just give me what I want, and that I don't want anything better than what I'm asking for. It depresses me so much that I completely lose hope in Allah. Other times, whenever I'd want something, worldly thing, I would barely get this thought, and when I did, it will only give me more happiness. Not this time though, and what I want is a very good thing that will benefit me so much in both lives. Please tell me this thought is from shaytan. I get sooo many whispers that confuse me so much. I hope it's not ALlah telling me this, because if it is and I'm just thinking it's from shaytan, that would be absolutely horrible.
Thank you so much
I'm going through a hardship and I keep making dua to Allah to help me, but whenever I do that, I start getting whispers from shaytan. Usually you get whispers telling you that Allah will not accept your dua, but because of my certainty that Allah will inshaAllah, I don't usually get these whispers. Instead, I get get whispers telling me that ALlah will not give me what I want but something better. Now, this is such a good thought. However, everytime I think that, it gives me no comfort whatsoever, and I get so depressed and start questioning Allah asking why He can't just give me what I want, and that I don't want anything better than what I'm asking for. It depresses me so much that I completely lose hope in Allah. Other times, whenever I'd want something, worldly thing, I would barely get this thought, and when I did, it will only give me more happiness. Not this time though, and what I want is a very good thing that will benefit me so much in both lives. Please tell me this thought is from shaytan. I get sooo many whispers that confuse me so much. I hope it's not ALlah telling me this, because if it is and I'm just thinking it's from shaytan, that would be absolutely horrible.
Thank you so much