Nourishing Our Souls


Striving For Jannah
^ Ameen.

Here's another one of my awesome insights :rolleyes:

Whenever the topic of death comes up, we tend to ignore it since we want to be optimistic and not think about it. But reality is that everyone will taste death, either today, tomorrow, or in 100 years, it WILL happen.

Think to yourself:

I will face death.
I will see the trials of the grave.
I will see the Day of Judgment.
I will meet my lord.

When the angel of death comes, he will ask:

Who was your Lord?
What was your religion?
Who was your messenger?

We all know the answers to these questions BUT...

… the scary thing is even if you have a hint of kufr, it will come out at the time of death, meaning that you will stutter, and will not be able to respond even though you know the answer…pretty scary huh? :fear:

The shahada is hard at the time of death, the true you comes out!
You wont speak, but your soul will. If you nourished your soul well, you will be okay. do we nourish our souls?

We must first understand that Allah has created us with a body and soul.

To sustain the body(which is made from clay and dust), we have to eat things that come from clay( fruits, and vegetables)

To sustain the soul (which comes from Allah), we have to provide for it that which comes from Allah (the Quran)

Once your soul leaves you, you don’t get another chance!

People will start to regret that they could have done more deeds, but it will be too late.

We need to pack our suitcases of good deeds for our journey, but it is tough!

Living in the USA, we are surrounded in a materialistic world which values this life over the next..

In today’s society, people spend money which they don’t have , to buy things which they don’t need, to impress people that they don’t even like!

So it is difficult to lead a life dedicated to the worship of Allah.

As a result, many Muslims have lost their way because they are so concerned with the dunya.. Don’t attach yourself to the dunya because it will end. Attach yourself to the akhira, the eternal.

We should live this life as if we are travelers.

When a baby is born, the athan is given in the right ear and the iqammah in the other to symbolize the shortness of life

Why do we run after the riches in the world?
All the riches we run after in this world are the dirt of Jannah!

We are living in a time of great fitnah!

The prophet said “ I miss my habibis”

The sahabas said “ but we are in front of you”

The prophet replied “ No, you are my friends, my habibis are those that will come after me. Their reward will be 50 times one of you.

The sahaba asked : why?

The prophet told them because they will come after my death and never see me, yet they will believe in me.

They wont find many people to help them : those that stick to my path it is like holding a hot piece of coal! Subhanallah!


Angela Hillyer

Junior Member
Asalam alaikom.

Thanks for sharing. I really like the part of what the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said about even though we dont see him, we still believe. Subhanallah! That was another great wake up call.

Thanks again for sharing. Salam


Make dua for us all
:salam2: sister

jazakalAllah kair for the reminder... by any chance, can you direct me where i can find this part that you stated...

"... The prophet replied “ No, you are my friends, my habibis are those that will come after me. Their reward will be 50 times one of you."

May Allah have mercy on us...ameen