O Martyr O Pure blood! Nasheed translation


New Member
i just quickly translated this nasheed coz i liked it. its a nasheed by abo ali, the actual filename is ya_ayha_alshaheed.mp3, if you google it youll find it i'm sure, otherwise you can ask me to send it to you if you like.
Would anyone who sees a mistake please send me the correction - JazakAllah

يا أيها الشهيد ياطاهر الدماء
أبشر بيوم عيد بالروح في السماء
نم نومة هنية يازينة الجال
دماؤك الزكية تعطر الرمال

الحور في انتظارك والنور والملائك
فاسعد بخير دار منعم هنالك

قدمت للرحمن الروح باطمئنان
وقلبك العمران بالخير والايمان

ياايها الشهيد ابشر بيوم عيد

O Martyr O Pure blood!
Glad tidings of a day of Eid to You! with your spirit in Heaven
Sleep a sweet sleep O Adornment of Men
Your pure blood has perfumed the sand

Virgins are awaiting you, And light, and Malaa'ikah
Be delighted with the finest relaxing homes there

You have advanced to Al Rahman with your spirit safely
And your heart successful with excellence and Imaan
O Martyr, Glad tidings of a day of Eid to You!