one of the sayings(hadith) of prophet muhamed


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Prophet Muhammad said
Whoever believes in God and in judgment day …should be a good host for his guests and whoever believes in God and in judgment day should not hurt his neighbor and whoever believes in God and in judgment day should say good things or remain silent
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم:
من كان يؤمن بالله و اليوم الآخر فليكرم ضيفه ومن كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فلا يؤذى جاره ومن كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فليقل خيرا أو ليصمت.صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

First part
The good Muslim(who he has a complete faith and sure that God will award him for his good work and attitude in this life ) should be a good host for his guest( meet him with a smile and show his guest that he is happy to have him at his house and over his guest the best food and drink that he has and if the guest needs help the host should give his guest all the help that he can.)
Second part
The good Muslim should not hurt his neighbor ( should treat him well, if he met him should smile to him and ask about him if he felt he dose not show up as he used to show up, help him in anyway he can when ever he needs help, keep his secretes, visit him if he is sick and defend him if he needs your protection )
The neighbor can be a Muslim or non Muslim it dose not matter who he is as long as he is your neighbor
Third part
The good Muslim should say good thing or remain silent( the good Muslim should say always what is good for the people according to Islam and to explain this you should know for example if someone asked you to testify you must say the truth all the way at all times at all coast,,, you have to say what it makes the people like each other if it possible, to say what it prevent or avoid the people having a problem if it possible and never to talk arrogant. .in the matter of this point there is a lot to say and explain but at least the Muslim should think before he talks.
Here there are some points we should explain
In every each time ..the prophet said in the beginning ..whoever believes in God and the judgment day .why?
Because every each work or( attitude or behavior) of that three works that the prophet talked about them in this speech is independent and in another words every each advice counted separates from the others because every each behavior is very important to the community and that is the benefit of repetition
What the Muslims should learn from the prophet saying :
To be a good host for your guests is very important (it is one of the things it makes the faith complete.)
Muslim should care about his neighbor and help him like if he his own brother with out consideration to his color, attitude, religion or anything and never to hurt him.
Muslim should think before he talks and if he cant say a good thing because of the situation so he better remain silent