allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
assalamualaikum brothers and sisters....
Our Tests

We have been told numerous times
That the journey to Jannah is not a free ride.
Trials and tests we must all face
To distinguish between the true and weak-faith.

Many give up while on the true path
We can see that the weak-hearted never last.
True love for Allaah always sees us through
If you keep making duâ'aa, He'll respond to you.

Nay! He is not named Al-Mujeeb for nothing
Verily, Allaah truly is The Responsive.
The plea of His slave, He loves to Hear
Surely, can you believe that Allaah's not there?

Patience is a virtue that must be attained
By the Will of Allaah, Jannah will be gained.
With every hardship definitely comes ease
Allaah's our Witness, Al-Shaheed.

Along with patience comes gratitude
Allaah's The Loving, Al-Wadood.
Truly He loves us when we obey
If we stick to Islaam, we'll never go astray.

Tribulations befall those whom Allaah loves
Passing His tests makes you free like as a dove.
To know that you stuck through it with Him
Truly Allaah Knows all, He's Al-'Aleem!


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu Alaikum sister:D:D:D:D:D

SubhanaAllah! that was BEAUTIFUL:D a poem that gives hope , mashaAllah, tabarakaAllah:D so beautiful! subhanaAllah.

may Allah reward you for sharing this, may Allah put you amongst His beloved slaves, give you patience in times of adversity, and may Allah give you good in here and in the hereafter! may Allah make your journey of life one that pleases Him and may He give you jannah with His mercy and grace!ameen,ameen,ameen

hey never knew you write such BEAUTIFUL poetry;););)