
Pearl of Islaam
~~~ Palastine,the land of light~~~

Palastine,the land of light
is it the same the Sun which is bringting you,
is the sky over Qudsa still so beautiful,
is it olive tree still the same colour,
is is Sinay mountain on the same place.
Are Mosques beautiful as before ,
is Zeytun hill still the hill and is there a place
for all of us becasue to everyone are the same
sunrises and apearing the downs,only people
love them diffrent.

I do not know Palastine yours long distances,
but I wish to see the sky over Qudsa,to see
Beytul-l-Magdis and Sinay mountain,I want to see
the Sun of Palastine,to pray there where oure souls are
servents and to see lands of Sham which are friends with you
Holy Palastine and I want to wach you but they are not
leting me.They say that my place is there and your light
is neer to me and Quds yours is neer to me.
So I am asking those who loves you,
do they hear your cry.

Do you feel Omer how hands are in chens of Palastine,
how hards are stones on inoccent children.Do you hear Eyub
the call of those who suffer.Do you hear how Palastine is crying,
how Quds is calling you that you bring piece on them
with holy salam,do you hear Eyube the call of Palastine.

They are waiting for you,oh Isa a.s the Gods Messanger,
Generous souls are looking for you.The eyes of Palastine
are directed to the sky,her eyes are sad,crying she is calling you,
Oh Isa the Gods Messanger.

Great are suffers of you Palastine,and people in three Ummah
are walking on your land.Bring them in peace with your Holyest
becasue your Holyest noone can not destroy,neither killing,
niether sandess or pain,nither black neither white,
neither these,neither those one becasue on your land Ibrahim a.s. walked,
and over your sky Mohammed a.s. walked and do not cry Holy land
becasue you have Your Lord like all of us and all preise belongs only to Him,
to Allah Almighty.And He made you to be Holy land,Oh Palastine the land of light.

Written by: Your sister Asja
