Pat Robertson: Muslims = Nazis


Junior Member
May Allah SWT Guide him and have mercy on his soul. But, seriously this man is crazy lol Made no sense at all. I was like "huh!!!" the whole time hehe


Junior Member
More comments by Robertson to make himself look the fool he is. This sadly is nothing new coming from him and what is scary is that people do actually listen to him.


Junior Member
really mad man! I can't believe there are people who actually buy his words. Nazis are devils.


Junior Member

There are a lot of people who think that Shariah Law will creep into the United States and if nothing is done about it then we would have a state of feet-washing mozlems ruled under one Caliph. Like that guy. May Allaah remove this silly man, ameen.



Junior Member
Hes not the only one. The ones that probably influence the most people are like Robert spencer, Gert wielders, Pamella geller. Also a quick question has anyone else here been to Jihad watch, its robert spencers web site, a "defense" against evil "mooslems" who are speading there "oppression" across the "civilized" west.


Junior Member
Hes not the only one. The ones that probably influence the most people are like Robert spencer, Gert wielders, Pamella geller. Also a quick question has anyone else here been to Jihad watch, its robert spencers web site, a "defense" against evil "mooslems" who are speading there "oppression" across the "civilized" west.

That website is full of lies. You learn a valuable lesson from those guys. If you can't find anything bad in something, add your own ideas and cover them with the truth!



Junior Member
Isn't he the same joker who claimed that Obama was a muslim and that if Obama won the last election, it would mean that Obama's God (muslim God) is bigger than his God (Christian God).. He does not even know that its the same God.... A very foolish man indeed.



He's half inside his grave and he talks this stuff doesn't make good for him


I know he
got some serious matter with the German.:SMILY335:
Nazis are make in german:SMILY47:
and didn't belong or has anything
to do with Islam.

Poor man at his age
and he still didn't know...:lol:
.....really sorry for him.

Thank you for sharing this video

Take care!
~Wassalam :)


New Member
people like him make me so pissed! how can you say such things about the second largest religion in the world! i cant wait till islam rules the world! inshallah if im alive i cant wait to see the expression in their faces. i believe the reason why they are so scared of islam is because they know its the TRUTH. They're scared to be proven wrong. they are so pathetic!