Path of Loneliness


Sab'a Sita Ethnain
Asalamu 'Alaykuum,

One of my latest poems, it is open to interpretation, so feel free to leave it:

Path of loneliness
By MuslimBrother92

In the night’s sky the wind blows like death,
As the sand of the desert, comes into my breath.
The once beautiful oasis is now only a mirage,
Distant in the horizon, as I eat my pelage.

“Settle down boy” I tell my camel,
The wind hitting my face, ever so brutal.
The horizon teases me as I find no end,
As I travel like a stranger, the same stranger I befriend.

Day and night I look for others like me,
Searching far and wide, as far as the sea.
The sea consumes my beating heart,
As I realise now the oasis and me, are far apart.

“Yes I knew him” one says of this stranger,
“He was a fair man, but always in danger”,
That is false for he didn’t know me,
If only this fool, would only see.

In this world I walk a lonely path,
Everyone staring, as they push me off the footpath.
“If only you knew” I tell the ignorant,
“That the stranger will win” but they spit on me with confidence.

It’s true that I was a fair man indeed,
But the ignorant didn’t notice as they made me bleed.
The man that said he knew me was wrong,
For if he did he’d know I don’t belong.

I am nothing but a guest in a world so full,
The ignorant made it clear as they gave me an earful.
“Allah is with the patient” I say to their face,
It is my Islamic honour they try to disgrace.

But I fear not of disgracing my honour,
For it is stronger than a full set of armour.
The beautiful rose may be black at the moment,
But soon its colours will be once more vibrant.

In the old days the strangers were brothers in arms,
Holding each other, hand in palm.
Today is different because we are a minority,
Even though our numbers are great in prosperity.

Our beautiful oasis has now disappeared,
Where us strangers once loudly cheered.
I cheered because I felt like a Muslim,
Where in my heart my Iman would blossom.

Stranger they call from across the mountain,
But that sad comment has not made me broken.
I persevere in the face of adversity,
As I make du’a, my heart full of sincerity.

“O Allah, strengthen my patience!”
“When my only happiness turns into sadness”
My sparkling tear gleams on my hand,
As I feel the pressure of this corrupted land.

“Abshir Ya Rajel” I hear in my heart,
“Get ready for Jannah, after you depart.”
“Depart from what?” I tell my mind,
“This full world that has made so many blind.”


Junior Member
Brother assalamu alaykum

You. have. talent. Build on it brother. I really do love it. It can be better expressed I feel,

I interpret it in a way that you are talking about us being strangers in this world. This world which is like a dream. For example,

"I cheered because I felt like a Muslim,
Where in my heart my Iman would blossom."

For these 2 lines here, it seemed to be disconnected from the previous two lines. I would have enjoyed reading how muslims have managed to fight this "dispersion" of the ummah.. because after you described us cheering together in the past, then how shall we make it last?

I really love it brother. Keep it up. :)


make dua 4 ma finals
SubhanaAllah! it's beautiful:D

I love it, to me it means: Iman coming back to someone after a long while.
Day and night I look for others like me,
Searching far and wide, as far as the sea.
The sea consumes my beating heart,
As I realise now the oasis and me, are far apart.
The Oasis to me reflect the people you left behind, and you're *alikes*are those who you're looking for, those who will help you increase your imaan!
BEAUTIFULLY written mashaAllah, tabarakaAllah:D
brother, I am a fan of your poetry!:D


Sab'a Sita Ethnain
Jazak Allahu Kheir for the responses I really, really appreciate it! And I'm glad to know that I have a fan Alhamdulillah. You know, this poem can be interpreted in two ways. One way is that the Oasis represents Iman but it can also represent the Islamic State (Khilafah). So I'm glad people picked up on both interpretations.

Wasalam 'Alaykuum.


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
salaam akhi..masha'allah, i really loved your poem..i thought i was reading a was soo beautifully made..
allah blessed you with talent, subhanallah!(i bet you're a poet)...i love reading poems just as much as i love listening to nasheeds.
I'll be searching for more of your amazing poems ansha'allah.
jzk for sharing brother--consider me as your new fan!