personality test



I used to give this test to my students. It provides some insights into how you see the world. This test is an abbreviated version of a test given by major corporations.

It takes about half-an hour. Please be honest. There are no wrong answers.I will be happy to give a geberal interpertation to anyone.

Go tp
on the left you will see a heart and it will say take free test. It will say Jung Typology Test. Click on that. Next screen will have DoIt at bottom, click. Answer the 70 questions. You will see Score It. You will be given four letters with numbers underneath that e.g I N F P
12 50 35 22 please write the numbers down. Next go to google and type in portrait of ( your letters ) in my case I would type in portrait of an INFP...

please share the results..I have had students use the results on resumes and for job interviews.


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
:salam2: sister mirajmom,

I took the test and i got an ISFP for a result..
i'm gonna go read the portrait for it really i'd see if it's correct or not
but thanks for this..i thought it was fun :D



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member



that was 100% true (no exaggeration)..i have read "personality profiles" (if we wanna call them that) numerous times before..but they always had elements which i found to be far from being true (concerning my personality)..

i'm gonna recommend this to all my friends..see what they'll get would be very interesting to find out!

thanks again sister!



If you wrote the numbers down that will help a lot more. For instance I know that you are logical; you like details, you like quiet time, systems make sense to you. These traits help you to plan etc.


Junior Member
Assalaamu alaikum

That waa really good!!

I am wondering - if all reverts to Islam have similar or same personality trait? Those who were born of another faith and then found Islam or maybe also those born muslim but were not at all aware of or into their Deen but then re-embraced it?

Any muslims who are reverts insha'allah - what group are you? I am intrigued if we are the same or not...

I ll start off - I am a reverted muslimah and my group was INFJ.



Fière de ma religion
:salam2: macha'Allah sister, it is a real good one, I got eNfj,hihihhi I'm afraid it goes perfectly with my personality, and when I made a click on the studies I should take; they directed me to Political Sciences(In fact I 'm licensed in Political Sciences at the Belgium University):hijabi: :hijabi: :hijabi: :wasalam: thanks again

saba urooj

Junior Member
:salam2: sister,
well took that test :muslim_child: its says i hv..The Portrait of the Protector Guardian (iSfJ).......

hmmmmmm career option n the personality description was all correct.....coz iam into a medical profession n a bit introvert.


Servant of Allah

Well,that was a really good test. I'm a ESFP( Extraverted sensing feeling perceiving) fits exactly with my description except the one about "performing for people",i hate performing for others, i like to do things without having to do it for other people. but i do like making people happy and helping them.

Mirajmom could you please explain these for words for me, big vocab.(Extraverted sensing feeling perceiving) The E and P are the difficult ones i don't understand.


Staff member

44 50 38 78

Very interesting.

EDIT: Guess so.



a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu

My Type is
Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
1 38 12 67

Saifu deen


My Type is: INFJ (Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging)...

Strength of the preferences % = 56 38 12 67


happy 2 b muslim

Junior Member
Your Type is
Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
1 38 12 1

i got that is it crap i dont know what to make of it lol thank you sister


Salaam dear brothers and sisters,

First and foremost we are all Muslims. Let us never forget that.

This is not an intelligence test. I am professionally trained to interpert tests. I do not believe in intelligence tests. Most are bogus.
This test helps us to understand ourselves and how we view ourselves. I have used this for the past twenty years.

I will use my personalitly indicator type to help you understand. Bear in mind these are prefrences and nothing is set in concrete.

I am an INFP. The numbers indicate how strong my prefrence is for that trait.

I- I am introverted. I have a score of say 40%. This suggests that I am a strong introvert. I enjoy being by myself. I can go out and I like people but I do not need to be in a crowd at all times. I need my time alone. I need time to think and contemplate. This is how I get my energy. An E needs people to be energized. An E would be very upset to be alone. An I can work alone. An E works well with others.

N-I am a very strong N 45%. This is intuitive. The best way to explain this is to compare it to an S. I's do not need to look at details. We see the big picture. An S makes sense of the world. A S can look at numbers, data, projection tables etc. An I feels. An I feels it is right or wrong. They do not comprehend the facts and figures. If anyone reads my posts, I am always using the word "heart". A S would go crazy. They need the hard facts.

F- I am a strong F 40% percent. Although I respect reason..there is nothing like faith. I am blinded by my faith in something. All the rational explantions in the universe can not change what is my internal faith. This is my core. I function by my faith in the world. This is the side that drives the scientifc mind crazy. A T is logical. A T needs sytems to function. T's are bound to logic. T's are more practical.

P..perceiving..I have to constantly see all sides of an issue. I am more interested in how we get there than getting there. If we are in a meeting...I would make sure everyone is heard. I would not care what the outcome is. I am a process person. I enjoy doing something..more than getting it done. A J-judging likes to get things done. They are task oriented. If we are on a jury..the J will make a decision and want to get on..not an P..we ask the questions...

The numbers indicate how strongly we are these types at a given time period in our lives...many people change with time. It is noted most people become more introverted over time.

I have simplified the types. I hope this makes sense to you. There are descriptions of how you are as parents, co-workers and husband and wives.
I am not a good disciplinarian.: INFP...I just believe everything is good and I see the good in everything. Please feel free to ask questions.


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

If you wrote the numbers down that will help a lot more. For instance I know that you are logical; you like details, you like quiet time, systems make sense to you. These traits help you to plan etc.

oh i'm sorry :shymuslima1:

i got excited a bit..and so i just put the letters..ok they were as follows:

44 1 50 33



Salaam gentle brothers and sisters,

I have to attend to my tasks. I will sit down tonight and go over each person and write a reply here. I want to give you insights and want it to be thorough. Please be patient with me.