PLEASE PLEASE help inshallah


Junior Member
Asalam alikoum wa rahmatallah brothers and sisters I am coming you to seek some help inshallah, I am 31 years old. I am a convert to Islam 10 years ago allhamdullilah.

I am trying to break a cycle of something very strong in my family and am reaching out to get some direction inshallah. My mother used to tell me things were true even if they were not. Santa claus etc, but I think it went much furhter then that, she used to continue to tell me things were true even when she knew they were not, I would tell her for insance I speak spainish she would KNOW I was not telling the truth and didnt stop it, she would say "oh really that is nice....." wow you are smart" EVEN when she KNEW I wasnt saying the truth,allhamdulilah by the grace of Allah I have awoken from this but only shorlty ago 2 days and am totally lsot and confused. I am trying my hardest to stop it in my son, he is 7 , I find that may be the reason I give up very easily I dont concentrate because my inner soul KNOWS what I am saying is wrong. Does this make sense please give me some resources to help inshallah ??????????? Subhanallah wa allhamdullilah wa astagfirallah


Junior Member
I still have contact with my mom, she had very close close contact until recently and that is why I believe it went on for so long, what do I do, cut contact for now until I find a solution???