please read..a sisters in-need.

ummi h

Junior Member
assalamu aleykum my dear sisters and brothers, i hope you are all in good health and imaan inshallah.

i would like to post a letter regarding a family who are in-need of help for thier daughter, on behalf my good friend jannah..iv known sister jahannah for almost 7 years now inshallah. info on sister jahannah, she is a revert, has 5 children and mashallah is a very active sister and helps a lot of people mashallah. if you have doubts, i can assure this is a genuine appeal and a family are in desperate need of your kind donnations and sincere help...Allah is my witness.

This is a letter which she wrote to me to post here..
Bissmillahi rahmani rahiim.
Assalamu alekum brothers and sisters.

The case we have here is the case of a 7 years oold daughter who needs an operation from a desease that is eating away the bone on her leg.
According to medical reports from the doctors there is a high possibilty her leg will have to be amputate if she doesnt recieve treatment.

The family of this child are presently in london and they have no access to free national health. All the information relating to this case, such as x-rays,and medical document are available upon request. The only access is through the private hospital in germany which will cost approxmatlly 45,000 euros.

brothers and sisters, we can confirm that this family have no way of raising this sort of money, and according to many ayat in the holly quran they have a right on us to do our best to help them.
the prophet(saaw) said Allah is never going to stop giving ypou till you yourself stop giving and the prophet (saaw) also said Allah created two malaaika (angels) which he sends everyday for two reasons. one angel is making dua saying 'ya Allah give those who are giving the others better than what they give', while the other angel is saying ' ya Allah destroy the wealth of those who keep for themselves and are not giving'

brothers and sisters to build a masjid of Allah is great indeed as it is sadaqah jaariyah, but do you know that the prophet (saaw) stood in front of the ka'ba and he praised the ka'aba saying'' what a great house you are but one single (mu'min) believer is far greater in the sight of Allah than you'.

To build a masjid or even makkah and madinah cannot be equal indeed to save one single believer in the sight of Allah.. Allah knows best..

Please take this case as it is and put it in its correct position in shariah in islam and give its right because the prophet (saaw) said 'give everything its right'.
Feel free to contact abdinasir on 079 4797 844 for more information or for your kind donations.

please make duas that this family recieve the money they need inshallah.
jazakallah khair to all my brothers and sisters and forgive me for any mistakes.

ummi h

Junior Member
assalamu aleykum, my dear brothers and sisters.

i just want to remind more people regarding this appeal.
please if you have any questions please call abdinasir on 079 4797 844 or you can email me with your queries and inshallah ill pass it on to sister jahannah.

jazakallahqeran everyone so much...:tti_sister:
fiamanillah wasalam