plz i need answers for this!


save Palestine!
assalmou alaykkoum i got a question
i burn CDs and listen the reciter so i can learn the quran and memorize it so is at good?

Awais Sadiq

New Member
wa-alaikum-a-salam, dear! All what you do depends upon your thinking. If your heart is contented, you should do it.Moreover it is the use of moderen technology to learn quran. May ALLAH bless you.

life is hope

New Member
w alikom el salam

yes my brother its ok

i hope ALLAH make quraan memorization easy to you

i also but all the quraan in my mobile so i can listen to it all the times



La Ilaha Illa ALLAH
assalmou alaykkoum i got a question
i burn CDs and listen the reciter so i can learn the quran and memorize it so is at good?

Salam Aleikum
yes broter, this is a good way of memeorizing, you need to listen to a reciter who do Tajweed, like for examplle sheik Muhammed Sideek Al Minshawi, he has al Mushaf al Mualim, it is very good for beginners.
you need to listen carfuly and read from the Quran

i hope it is of useful for you
may ALLAH swt make it easy for you t to memorize


Junior Member
wa 3alikom salam brother .this is great idea brother to recite Quran .because as u know allah 'sobhanaho wa ta3ala ' make it easy for any one to recite Quran if listens carefully to the verses and so tries to recite them.dont forget brother to make douaa for me and all the muslims. astawdi3oka allah akhi .


Junior Member
Learning the Holy Quran

Bismilah wa Alhamdulillah wal salatu wal salaam ala rasulillah
Tajweed Ijaza Level 1 (lesson 1 introduction)

The ruling of learning how to read Koran.

After the introduction there will always be a theoretical part and practical part and I ask Allah (SWT) to give all of us Tufique during this course Ameen.
• Firstly I would like to start by saying” be happy that Allah chose you to learn how to read the Quran” because this is a blessing that should not be attributed to me neither to you nor Sunnipath or anyone else, because many people do not even think about attending a class to learn how to read the Quran and their lives go on and on and they might die without knowing how to recite the word Surat a lord and Sustainer. So that is why we should try to be very thankful so that Allah will increase us in knowledge.
As Allah (SWT) says “And if you are thankful I will give you more”.
Secondly I would like to remind you and myself that we have to come to this class to pleas Allah (SWT), not to become great known Quran reciter, but because we want Allah and we want his Paradise, so you’ve got to get this intention right.
• Thirdly no one should feel uncomfortable because we all came to class to learn not to teach, so there might some students who are not as strong as others but they should not feel bad at all because Sheikh Suleiman said that “He saw weaker students in the beginning of a class that without extraditing became the best student at the end of the class, so you don’t have to worry about it at all.
• Fourthly this class is called Ijaza Level because this a way to gain a permission to teach the theoretical part of the Quran, so that’s what this is all about and you will read some part of the Quran during this course and the correction that are given are comparable to keys that you can use to open the door to other verses, so we will read small parts of the Quran but you can apply the corrections to other verses. So always try to write down the general and the specific remarks, this lesson we will discuss the ruling of learning how to read the Quran & the merits and virtues.
So what do I mean by the ruling of learning how to read the Quran? Basically it means, is it obligatory up on every Muslim to learn the Tajweed rules and to apply them properly or not?
Imam Ibnun Jazary he gives a clear answer to this question, Imam Aljazary is a big Scholar of Quranic recitation and he lived in 9th century after hijra and he says in here in his muqadima aljazariya “

This is what he is saying in his muqadima aljazariya basically he is saying that “it is obligatory up on every Muslim to learn Tajweed and the one who doesn’t do this is a sinner “so he means by this that every Muslim has to be able to read correctly without knowing the theoretical terms and if he isn’t, he is a sinner.
So now you can ask yourself, what’s he is saying now, is he saying that every Muslim who isn’t able to read correctly is a sinner. Will here we have to hold down for a second because there are different kinds of people
Different kinds of people
1) Someone who wants to learn how to read, but does not find anyone. For example if you are living on the North Pole where there is not common to find Tajweed teacher but rather ice polar bears and penguin, in this case you don’t have to worry, you will be rewarded for your intention and you are not a sinner.
2) Someone who does not want to learn, while a Sheikh is present. So a person who’s living in Mecca for example a place where there are plenty of Tajweed teachers who has the opportunity to learn Tajweed but doesn’t want to for any reason is a sinner because he has the occasion but he doesn’t take the advantage of it.
3) Someone who does not know how to read after taught by a Sheikh. So those people don’t have to worry neither because he has tried, he has done his best, he has gone to a Sheikh, he has taken some courses, he has sat down with a Sheikh but still he doesn’t know how to read correctly. This person will be rewarded for his effort and he’s not a sinner.
4) Someone who thinks he knows how to read, but still makes mistakes, and never went to a Sheikh. Such a person is a sinner because he thinks he is reading is alright and he doesn’t even look for a Sheikh, so he didn’t put any effort to it and if he makes mistakes, he is a sinner.
So as you see even on Aljazary is talking here about category number 2 and 4, so those who don’t want to learn while a Sheikh is present and those who think they know how to read correctly but who are making mistakes while they never went to a sheikh, so those to kind of people are sinners. So we can also conclude from this that you are fulfilling this obligation of learning Tajweed by following this course, so Alhamdulillah
But then why are we actually reading Quran or what do we attain by reading the Quran? So we will talk about the merits of reading the Quran.
The merits of learning how to read the Koran
The merits
• He will be with angels. As the Prophet (pbuh) said that “the one who reads the Quran fluently will be with honoured ambassadors of the angels”. Almunawi, a scholar is called Munawi he says it means that “he will be in paradise with the angels that used to come to the Prophets with revelation” and these angels are Jebril and Mekael. The reason why they will be together is because they all had their part in preserving the Quran.
• He is amongst the chosen ones. Because Allah (SWT) said “and then we made those who we chose from amongst our slaves inherit the book”. So inheriting the book is a proof, inheriting a book meaning memorising by heart, is a proof that Allah chose you from amongst his slaves and these slaves are the best slaves because Prophet (pbuh) has said “the best one is the one that studied the Quran and then taught it”.
• His heart will be filled. Your heart will be filled with love for Allah (SWT) for example when read about his blessings and mercy and your heart will be filled with fear for example when you read about the way he punish the sinners and you will start to love the messenger when read what Allah (SWT) says about him and you will love religion more because you will see that is the perfect religion.
• It is a peace for his heart. As Allah (SWT) says “the remembrance of Allah softens the heart”. Our heart is created to remember Allah (SWT) so we won’t feel will until we do this, until we read Quran and we do zkir, we can’t for example get away of our sorrows by shopping which is typical for us women’s, to go out buying shopping but rather to go to remember Allah (SWT) to read Quran or to do zkir and that is what we are created for.
• It’s a way to love Allah (SWT) and His messenger. As the messenger (pbuh) said “let the one that would like to love Allah (SWT) and his messenger read the Quran”. So if you read about the blessing of Allah (SWT) that Allah is able to punish you but he doesn’t that increases your love towards Allah (SWT) insha Allah.

More merits
• You will know yourself. While you are reading the Quran, the Quran will teach you who you are actually is like a mirror or a glass, so when you read about a good attributes of the Muslim you should ask yourself “are these my attributes also or I’m I this way or not?” if you read about the bad attributes you should ask yourself the same questions, so you should think about what you are reading and apply it to yourself.
• A crown for his Parent on the Day of Judgment. This is also in case if someone has learned the Quran by heart then his parent s will wear a crown on the day of judgement, so if you want to pleas your parents you can give them a beautiful gift by doing this memorising the Quran insha Allah, so they can wear a crown on the day of judgement.
• A protection from the punishment of the grave. Specifically Suratal Mulk, this Surat is a protection from the punishment of the grave if you know it by heart.
• Better than a camel with a big hump. Learning 1 ayat (1 verse) is better than a camel with a big hump. A camel with a big hump may seem ridiculous to us because we don’t want a camel but in that time it was a big thing these days you can compare it with a jaguar or any other car you like, so it’s a big merit.
So these were lots of merits masha Allah and I hope these merits will encourage you to do your at most during course insha Allah.
Then how can we read Quran? We can read Quran in different ways, so there are Different degrees of readings.
Degrees of reading.
1) Tahqeeq. Means that a student is sitting in front of his Sheikh and the Sheikh is reading every ayat slowly then the student repeats the ayat, so it’s only for studying so the Sheikh with his student
2) Tarteel. This is very slowly reading for example: Abdul Basit has a way; one of his ways is that he reads very slowly and this called Tarteel.
3) Hadar. This is very quickly so this actually disliked if you don’t master all the rules properly because then you will make mistakes easily, so it’s only for those who already know how to read properly and who don’t have problems to read fluently.
4) Tadweer. This is the normal way for example; like the two imams in Mecca that’s Tadweer, so a normal rhythm.
5) Qiraa-a tafseeriyya. This is reading with an intonation so it’s like you’re explaining the Quran with your voice or you’re making clear what’s is meant with your voice, there are few reciters who do this Qiraa-a tafseeriyya this manner and one of them is the previous Imam al Ofquts, he reads this way.

Wa Salaam Alaikum wa Rahamatullahi wa Barakatu.

Hiba :)


Jazak Allah Khair brother
Listening to Quran to memorize itis not enough. You have to read the verses infront of a tutor or what e called Shaikh just to correct your mistakes. Listening is completely different from reading or reciting.
Alsalam Alikom
we can teach you Arabic and Quran Tajweed online just visit:


Junior Member
yes that is right you need a quri or sheak and in front of your quran tutor you have to read so he could tell you that what are the mistakes and you can rectifie then you can learn quran online visit learningquranonline


save Palestine!
You are right brothers, but I just didn't want to sit and not learn the quran Alhamdoulillah there's someone who listen me and correct me.
Thank you everyone who replied this post.


Junior Member
salama likoum

May Allah help us all to learn more and more about our religion and may He be pleased of what we do and grant all our ummah the highst level of Jannah inschallah.
wa salam alikoum

Men of Allah

Ya Allah,Ya Rahim.
Assalam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Al-Quran is a book that actually contains the basic instructions for living in the natural world. By using that instructions , we requested by Allah to worship Him. Worship in a broad sense, not limited in scope and sacred ritual, but the whole application human life actually part of worship. Without using instructions, then whatever we intend as a worship will be in vain. So, as a Muslims, we are not simply just reading Al-Quran as a rite of worship, but more than that, we should learn its meaning, explore its content essence, and implement the commands in it becomes an act that real. It becomes our duty to examine the contents kitabullah.

The command to do tadabbur Al-Quran as well we find an obligation as a Muslim. So if they do not pay attention to Al-Quran or their hearts
locked? (Surah Muhammad: 24th)

though we have not mastered Arabic, still reading the Quran is a command from Allah SWT. Command to read the Qur'an we find scattered in the Quran itself, among them the following verse:

Read what is easy of the Qur'an. (Surah Al-Muzzammil: 20)

In addition to the Koran Hadith Nabawi also many who compel us to read Al-Quran, without emphasizing the importance that we understand the meaning.

Wallahu a'lam bishshawab, wassalamu 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,



Nothing but Muslimah
assalmou alaykkoum i got a question
i burn CDs and listen the reciter so i can learn the quran and memorize it so is at good?


Every body have their own ways of memorizing things..:)
If it works with you, then there is no problem at all.. ALLAH TALA KNOWS THE BEST
