Plz watch my video and spread it to others..


Junior Member
:salam2: brothers and sisters, please watch my video that I made. Also please can put it on your facebook/myspace etc, let others know. Please spread it on other islamic forums that you may go on. Email it to others.
May Allah protect and honour the Muslim. I pray that to Allah that inshallah the palestinians will be free ameen Ya Rabb!!

my video:

fi amaan Allah and jazzakhallah


Junior Member

very nice, may I offer u suggestions.

first go into your youtube settings and disable comments. No one cares about these comments but they will distract from your message.

second, it is nice but you want to keep youtube videos brief, as a lot of I read the success is in the timing. usually 4 to 5 minutes tops.

third, I would disable linking page views, I don't wish for public viewer to see links.

lastly, may Allah give you all your duaas and protect muslim.

keep going good work we need more from brothers and sisters with the message.



Pearl of Islaam
Thank you dear sister for sharing with us this video about our brothers and sisters in Palestine Mashallah.

May Allah reword you sister and may Allah protect all Muslims,Inhsallah.Ameen.:tti_sister:


Your sister Asja


Servant of Allah
There's your video ukhti. it was really good mashaAllah, and sad. inshaAllah we can all help our brohters and sisters in palestine. inshaAllah.



Please brothers and sisters rate the video and pass it on. The truth will find a way to shine.


Subhana Allah!
Asalamu alaykum

masha Allah! nice video but very sad. i 've added to my youtube. jazak Allahu khayra for sharing
