Poem: Saheeh Al-Bukhaari


Assalaamu 'alaykum!
Poem: Saheeh Al-Bukhaari

Saheeh Al-Bukhaari – If they were fair to it,

Would not be written except with water of gold,

It is the difference between the guided and the blinded,

It is a barrier excluding distress and rain,

The asaaneed* are like stars of the sky,

The main text is like a shooting star,

With it, the scales of the religion of the prophet (saw) were set up,

The foreigner followed the ‘Arabin submitting to it,

Making it a shield from the Fire, with no doubt in it,

Distinguishing between those who recieve (Allaah’s) Pleasure and,

those who recieve His Anger.​

*(chain of narration)

[Taken from "A History Of The People Of Hadith (Ahlul-Hadith), A Study Of The Saved Sect And That It Is The People Of Hadith", By Shaykh Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ad-Dehlawee Al-Madanee (Died 1375AH), p.124]

Source: theauthenticbase.wordpress.com/2010/02/22/poem-saheeh-al-bukhaari/


Junior Member

I wish one day too write a nice poem for Allah. I have been writing poems before, but I really wish to write one about His Mercy and Miracles whats all the time showing up around me and my muslim brothers and sisters all over the world.

MashAllah :tti_sister:


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Subhanallah! howcome I didn't see this before? It's quite beautiful, masha'allah!
JazakAllahu jhayr for sharing it.