Praying with ink on your hands


New Member

I was just wondering if it is still possible to pray when you have ink stains on your hands? This has happened to me and I can't get the ink off at the moment - can I still pray?

JazakAllah for your answers


Junior Member
Allah knows best and ink is pure Alhumdullila if you have tryed to wash it off to the best of your ability it should be ok remember Allah Subhnahuwatala is very just and the religion is not hard.

(I had that problem once lol was in so much stress lol but Alhumdullila Allah is not that strict Allah knows Best)

Go ahead and pray inshallah remember Allah will judge you on your intentions

I hope i helped

Walaykum Asalaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakathuhu

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
Wa Alaykum Assalam

The guideline concerning that is that whatever prevents water from reaching the skin means that wudoo’ is not valid, and whatever does not prevent water from reaching the skin means that wudoo’ is valid.

Based on this, wudoo’ is valid if there is ink on any part of the body that is washed in wudoo’, because it does not prevent water reaching the skin.
