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i have a question

isit ok to say when saying duaa' like,
O Allah if i do really well in this test , i swear i will be really religious and pray every salat on time,and fast every monday and thursday |(cuz its sunnah)
and stuff like this ..??or we dont know?

jazakom Allah khairan


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i have a question

isit ok to say when saying duaa' like,
O Allah if i do really well in this test , i swear i will be really religious and pray every salat on time,and fast every monday and thursday |(cuz its sunnah)
and stuff like this ..??or we dont know?

jazakom Allah khairan

salamu alaykum

No, u should not do that. U should not play deals with Allah sva. Most of the times, people who made those kinda a deals, ended up breaking or not fullfilling those deals. You don't wanna make a deal with the lord of seven heavens and earth and then not fullfil it. Instead, u should pray 2 rekah (salah al-istkikhara) which is the sunnah, and ask Allah to help you on this test. Ask Him subhanahu wa tala to help you and give you what is best for you. Sometimes we might want something and it could be bad for us. And sometimes we might not like something, but it could be good for us. Allah sva knows and we don't. Allah says (close translation)

'But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not. '' (2:216)

Allah knows best
