questions about crying and sujud.


assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

i have a few questions i would like to ask and hope i get the answer here.

firstly, its about crying. i cry sometime during my solah, especially when i sujud. and i cry badly. my face would be wet with tears and mucus would be flowing down my nose. and sometime tears/mucus enters my mouth. does that nullify my wudu and solah? do i have to take wudu and restart my solah?

secondly, i would like to know if it's allowed to make sujud outside of solah? say after our solah, we just wanna say thanks to Allah or if we wanna seek forgiveness from Him, can we make sujud and then make dua while sujud?



Here to help
Crying during salah will get you Allah's mercy and more good deeds, so keep it up. You don't have to make wudu again if you cry because it does not nullify your prayer.

There's varying opinions on whether prostrating outside of prayer is allowed. Some scholars believe it's okay because it brings you closer to Allah, since there's a hadith where it's said that prostration is the closest you will ever feel to Allah. However, other scholars view this act as an innovation (bidaa') because it was not practised by prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. You will have to look at both sides of the argument, and decide for yourself which opinion is convincing enough for you to follow.

Wa salam alikom.