qu'ran translated interperatation in hebrew????????


Glory is to Allaah The creator, and peace be upun the messenger

is there a translated interperatation of the holy quran in hebrew?

i dont think there is,, but i think its very important that there should be one. It is translated in almost every other language.
Muslims and jews have so much in common. There religion is sort of like islam already...All islaam really means is surrenderence. they follow an islam except its the islam(surrenderence) of moses(peace be upon him).........
but yet..
its old
its been corrupted
and its out of date
it would be a miracle from Allaah(swt) if He would guide the jews to believe in the islaam sent by muhammed(by whom be blessing and peace) which is the perfect and final religion.

Its a shame that two group of people who have so much in common in religion hate eachother. Some Jews and Arabs are even realated by DNA..theyre almost like brothers...

Many people here probably hate jews because of the atrocities they are comitting in palestine.
As a former christian who converted to islaam (elhamdulillah) I will always remember one of the most famous saying of the prophet Isaa(peace be upon him) who is my messiah

"love your enemy"

the arab always cries that palestine is his land. It is his land and he denys it ever belonged to the jews. How is that then true when genetically arabs in the levant are one of the most recent immigrating tribes? The arab homeland is arabia not the levant(palestine, syria, lebanon, etc.)
How is that possible it never belonged to the jews when The prophet Suleyman(a jew ..yes a jew...but a prophet in islam) and dawood(another jew)(peace be upon them) once reigned a glorious kingdom called Judea located in israel and palestine?

How is not there land when they were taken into slavery and dispersed throughout the roman empire?

but yet
...HOlD ON...im not trying to say Palestine isnt the land of the palestinians. OF COUrSE it is. By DNA some of the palestinians arent even arab. They only speak arabic and carry arabic lastnames but are as native and indigenous to the land as can be.

So what im trying to say(well i dont know what im trying to say..ive gotten off topic from the subject of my thread:))

but what im trying to say is that the issue between palestine and israel is not black and white and should be looked from the injustices of both sides that both the parties have faced and are facing..

remember the words of isaa(peace be upon him) love your enemy


Junior Member
Salaam brother,

Firstly know this opinion is coming from someone raised in the Orthodoxy of Judaism so I known whence I speak. Palestine was completely the land of the indigenous population before the 1940s. After the holocaust the world governments felt guilty about turning a blind eye to the Jews so they wanted to give them their "own land." Did they choose some choice piece of land form their own territory? No, they looked into the Middle East and without permission from the indigennous people, claimed that land in the name of a new Israel state.

People were forcibly removed from their homes (we're talking indigenous Jews, Christians, and Muslims) and threatened if they didn't leave. See according to DNA evidence we all originated in Africa, but that doesn't mean I should go to Africa and snatch a peace of land because somewhere thousands of years ago my ancestors lived there. Now the same atrocities committed to the Jews in the holocaust are being wrought on the Palestenians by the children of those survivors.

Secondly, according to the Torah, the Jews do not have right to that land until the prophesized messiah comes. (someone they do not believe has come yet) The Jews are in exile according to their own beliefs and are committing blasphemy by trying to force the hand of God. (this is according to their own beliefs mind you)

So things are definitely not as black and white, but I mean that in the way the media presents it. They are calling these people terrorists because they throw stones at tanks while being crushed beneath it's wheels. Because in desperation they are comitting suicide :astag: just to keep what little slivers of land they have left.




youre very wise..... in so many things you said...very wise .may Allaah(swt) bless you for it. :)

sorry,...... i shouldve just stuck to my topic which was that holy quran's interperatation should be translated in hebrew...it would help to breach the jews ignroance


but where though shyhijabi are all the jews to go???theyre not all as smart as you. they were massacred in europe. 6 million
i know it would be easier if they just converted to islam it would be easier ....or even if they just could have the simple knowledge that they would be treated fairly and justly under islamic rule.
but as I said not all jews are as smart as you...theyre paranoid. they dont want another holocaust to happen again. theyre PARanoid...

but yet
how they are behaving and how things are going.... i fear there might be....


Junior Member
Salaam brother,

Many of the Jews moved to America and other areas of Europe, some chose to stay in the countries of their birth. There did not need to be a "Jewish State" established as they already had many places to live. The Zionists of today are using the excuse of the holocaust to justify their crimes. You're right about one thing though, there is going to be another holocaust, but it will be Palastenians dying at the hands of the Israelis.

Here we are in this modern age of TV cameras and instant news reports and still ethnic cleansing happens with all the evidence staring the world in the face. Never again? Maybe for the Jews but not for the Palestinians. Sigh. I do not feel Jews would be treated justly in a Muslim nation right now as we are far from the glory of the Ottoman empire. Now there is so much hurt and anger that I feel Jews in a Muslim nation would be treated second class at best. I know a Jewish guy who lived in Iran and said they are treated very poorly there. Unfortunately this has clouded his view and opinion of Islam and Muslims.

As far as having a Quran written in Hebrew well I am not sure if that would help. See almost all the Jews in Israel can speak English and quite a few know Arabic. The Quran is available to them in a language they can read and comprehend but they still refuse to learn. I believe there is a Surrah about people who are misguided cannot be guided unless Allah swt deems it so, it would appear that He has not deemed it.




Junior Member
Salaam brother Adriatic,

There is 35% of Israelis which are speaking only Hebrew, and they are able to read literature about islam only in Hebrew

Could you please provide the link to this statistic? I have family living in Israel and they told me that almost everyone knows English and/or Arabic there. I wonder if the Israelis are gving false reports on the language in order to legitimise Hebrew becoming a "native" language in that area.

Also, with the exception of myself I don't think anyone here can read Hebrew so why do you keep posting it? Are you able to read Hebrew?




Junior Member
Alaikumu selam, maybe I'm wrong but why you are asking me, just correct it

Salaam brother,
I asked because I do not know the answer to this question, which is why I asked for the link to the stat. I cannot correct what I do not know. I've been to the Jews4Allah site many times in the past but haven't come across the language stat but will look through it again. The alternate link you provided does not state that 35% of the Israelis speak only Hebrew but rather that they are multilingual. As for the Jews from Russia spaeking only Hebrew I would need to see proof of that since they would've had to speak the native language simply to survive.

Many people on this site can read, speak, and write Arabic so it makes sense when you type in Arabic. But when you write Hebrew no one aside from myself can understand what you are typing. To make things easier on people just translate it and type it in English. Mashallah it is wonderful that you master so many languages but I think most of us (myself included) are limited to our comprehension. SO have mercy on us! :)




New Member
Salam alaykum,

As a former orthodox jew who lived a few years in Israel, I agree that there aren't many informations about Islam avaliable in hebrew, except of course the usual anti-islamic political propaganda.
Yet, like croatian/jewconvert said, there are many things in common between the judaic faith (practised by orthodox) and Islam.
I don't know if a Quran in hebrew would help much, but it is something to work on since we don't really know what's the percentage of population who can speak english. Here I would like to add that many youngs now learn english there but that for those who are not english spoken, there is a high probability that they come from another country (south america, france like myself, USA...) and speak a language in which the Quran would be translated.

The major problem in Israel is that Jews know very little about their Arab neighboors and Islam. Their mind is full of misconceptions and it is very difficult to come to know Palestian people since the two populations really are separated.
I have had countless problems in keeping in touch with my palestinian friends, specially to go to the east part of Jerusalem (check points, suspicion from israeli police and military, checking of bag, clothes...)

I would definitely work on such a project to promote Islam in Israel, but it is a dangerous business (even from abroad) and requires time and money that I don't neceseeraly have by myself unfortunately.

Sister shyhijabi, I would be very interested in hearing your story, I'm sure we share a lot of common hardships when we embraced Islam, if you want to come in touch with me....I'll be more than happy.

Wasalam :hearts:


Salam alaykum,

The major problem in Israel is that Jews know very little about their Arab neighboors and Islam. Their mind is full of misconceptions and it is very difficult to come to know Palestian people since the two populations really are


very true..what you said sister leyla
i think many jews have the msiconception that islam is "arabism" or the religion for the arabs just like judaism is the religion for the jews

it would be a miracle from Allaah(subhaana wa ta'ala if they could see islam is not arabism
it doesnt only apply to the arabs but to all mankind
including themselves