Reading Arabic without vowel diacritics


New Member

I have been trying to find this information for a while... I can read Qur'aanic Arabic, with its vowel diacritics, but on websites they dont put them, how do you learn to read arabic without knowing what vowel to put on each letter??


Junior Member

May i make a wild guess??? You are not arab? :) If youre not, then i guess you will have to learn ARABIC like poor old me,,, i can read the Holy Quran,, of course, badly of which i am trying to improve by taking lessons in tajweed and tarteel. Recitation without really understanding what i am reciting, for i dont understand Arabic. So this old lady is taking courses in arabic studies,, and :inshallah: with perserverance and patient i might succeed before i bite the dust.:salah::tti_sister: May Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala makes it easy for all those who wants to learn ARABIC ,, so they could understand the Quran and Sunnah and islamic articles that is written in arabic.

this is a good website to try to learn arabic on your own.....they will be holding 'live' courses in the near future using PALTALK...i hope it will be conducted at a convenient time for me :( to be able to participate.

do disregard my respond if you find it irrelevant.My apology for not being of any help. :(
