Reading dua on a kuffar's child?


Servant of Allah
:salam2: I have a neighbor who is non muslim. she's a woman. she's currently studying about islam. and it's going great! however she has a child who about few months with sick eyes. is it allowed that i read dua on the little girl? and i also wrote the duas on paper in arabic and in english, and they begin with Allah's name. and i gave it to the young girl's mom so that she can read them on her everynight. is this allowed? have i done something wrong?:salam2:


Allah will decide
You have done an honorable thing..

I commend you, you have done an honorable thing. Children are pure and loved by Allah. You also showed the "kaffur" that you are kind and loving.


Junior Member

once the Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) was very sad as he saw the dead bodies of the children of the Kuffar who was fighting against the muslims (they took their children to war) The sahabi asked him (s.a.w) why are you so sad they are the children of the Kuffar.. and He was highly indignant and said: was u not also the children of unbelievers before Islam?.... And once when people carriing a coffin paased by He s.a.w stand up out of respect to the daed person. And the sahabe told him that the one is not a muslim and He replied: he is not muslim but is he also not a human?.... ( I didn´t read this 2 hadith in a book but from a schoolar I saw in TV and I regive it as it was on my mind!) Also when the parents are not muslim the child is a muslim. and I even pray for not muslims when they are in need of dua... I can understand you u just don´t want to do something wrong. I wish I could be like that first be sure then act... I do sometimes things and later I know it was haram...:astag:


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

Ukhti...although I wanted to reply and tell you that you did not do anything wrong...I did not want to give you a mere opinion of *mine* I went and read some fatwas...

you are allowed to make dua'a for non-muslims and kafirs in three situations:

* for them to be guided to Islam
* for allah to have mercy on them (ONLY while they are ALIVE!)
* for them to be healed from a sickness (and to remain healthy)

you are *not* allowed to make dua'a for them in the following cases:

* for them to be *forgiven* (for their sins or not believing in Islam)
* for them if they declare their kuffer ( islamophobic..etc.)
* for them when they die..and anytime after that

you may even visit a sick person who is a non-muslim or a a person's heart is softer and more open when in you may take the opportunity to bring them closer to Islam through kindness..manners..and Allah's aid in healing them...

and there are stories mentioned of the Prophet (pbuh)..visitng the jewish boy who used to serve and hang out around him a lot..and he reverted only moments before his death..and the story of the jewish woman who used to throw trash at the Prophet (pbuh)..and when she got sick..he (pbuh) visited her..and she also reverted..and the story of a sahabi who healed the head of a community (non-muslim of course!) from a scorpion bite...

so rest assured that you did not do anything wrong by giving the dua'as for the child..on the contrary..I think you should follow up on her..and try to make the dua'as on her yourself with kindness and sincerity..because her mother's heart might soften and lean towards Islam even more..and thus revert...if Allah (swt) has willed so for her :)

Jazaki allah khair for your kind deed and may allah open this woman's heart to Islam so you may earn her ajer inshallah..



Servant of Allah

Ukhti...although I wanted to reply and tell you that you did not do anything wrong...I did not want to give you a mere opinion of *mine* I went and read some fatwas...

you are allowed to make dua'a for non-muslims and kafirs in three situations:

* for them to be guided to Islam
* for allah to have mercy on them (ONLY while they are ALIVE!)
* for them to be healed from a sickness (and to remain healthy)

you are *not* allowed to make dua'a for them in the following cases:

* for them to be *forgiven* (for their sins or not believing in Islam)
* for them if they declare their kuffer ( islamophobic..etc.)
* for them when they die..and anytime after that

you may even visit a sick person who is a non-muslim or a a person's heart is softer and more open when in you may take the opportunity to bring them closer to Islam through kindness..manners..and Allah's aid in healing them...

and there are stories mentioned of the Prophet (pbuh)..visitng the jewish boy who used to serve and hang out around him a lot..and he reverted only moments before his death..and the story of the jewish woman who used to throw trash at the Prophet (pbuh)..and when she got sick..he (pbuh) visited her..and she also reverted..and the story of a sahabi who healed the head of a community (non-muslim of course!) from a scorpion bite...

so rest assured that you did not do anything wrong by giving the dua'as for the child..on the contrary..I think you should follow up on her..and try to make the dua'as on her yourself with kindness and sincerity..because her mother's heart might soften and lean towards Islam even more..and thus revert...if Allah (swt) has willed so for her :)

Jazaki allah khair for your kind deed and may allah open this woman's heart to Islam so you may earn her ajer inshallah..


JAzakaAllahu khayran ukhti. i actually went to her house and asked her if i can read the duas on her child if she wouldn't mind. she didn't and let me in. i read the dua on her child and she was watching the whole time, and mashaAllah i could see her eyes welling with tears. she's a kind hearted woman. and she even defends the muslims when her family talks bad about them. she comes to visit us and we do the same for her. i even babysat for her last night for nearly an hour. she is now watching a video of shaykh khalid yasin on the purpose of life. she asked for the books of dua and mashaAllah she's constantly talking about how muslim women have more freedom than non muslim women. so right now i will bring her inshaAllah a story of a revert woman. she loves stories. i have no doubt that this woman will enter islam soon, Allah's just planning her future, and when she leasts expects just might knock on her door inshaAllah. :hearts:


Travelling towards my grave.
:salam2: sister

MashALLAH thats so wonderful my sister. You have done nothing wrong in it as brothers and sisters has mentioned above. It is one of the most important thing a muslim or muslimah can do in his or her entire life. i.e calling someone to the true religion and helping her in research. May ALLAH (azza wajall) reward the best for your deeds sister.

A person who calls someone for a good deed and if he does that, the caller will be given same ajr as the person who done it. So guess how will it be for a person who calls someone to change her entire life and if she does that? MashaALLAH. Keep trying my sister and we are here with you in all the situations. Please keep informing us about her. May ALLAH (swt) accept it from you.


-brother IbnAdam-