
Junior Member

Each of us face 'choices' of right and wrong, each day. It can be in how we use our day, how we treat each other, good intentions, bad intentions, releasing anger or not releasing anger, etc.

From reading forums and posts in this web site...Turn To Islam, I learn daily from many of you who write and add to this web site. I have read posts that I can identify with, and some that are difficult to identify with, while keeping an open mind to understanding as much as I can about Islam.:hijabi:

During the day, I find myself more and more thinking and living what Allah would be pleased with. My past, as most of us, is full of experiences that were learning lessons of our mistakes. And none of us are immune to not facing choices that would be good for us or bad for us.

What I learn most from is from your mistakes, as well as from my own. and the lessons learned afterwards....to live a wiser life for the best.

What LESSONS have you learned from making either good of bad choices in life? Just a simple thought of expression can be a tool for others to learn from whom might have the same decision to make and can learn from your experience.:SMILY309:

Since coming to Islam, my eyes have noticed so much that is haram in this world. Coming to this site is like a 'bond' of us striving to do right.:shymuslima1:

Does anyone have a 'lesson' learned from doing something wrong, then realizing that it was not worth it to make this choice?

Since I have been striving to pray the fijr, I find myself having a yukky day, if I lay in bed and let the prayer go without praying and thanking Allah before dawn. :salah:

Sallam :muslim_child:


Junior Member

Masha'Allah well written & I would like all to pick a note from this post. Explaining the question & your reason (if you can state it) behind the question helps others to more easily connect to you.


Now, my answer:

Ive learnt quite a few things over the past few years, the first one that comes to mind is as follows:

Im an Accountant. Accountant learn & live 'value for money'. We just pick this rule up very easily as it makes 'some' worldly sense. When i got my first job here in London, I was very happy with the money I was earning. I use to account for everything I would spend my money on (& thats double entry system :) ). I had a budget of £0.22 for lunch breaks (though sometimes it would exceed it a little bit).

The reason I was saving was so I can make some investments down the line. Little did I realise Allah (SWA) had other (far better nodoubt) plans for me.

About 3.5 yrs worth of my savings were fairly substantial & I was very pleased with myself. And then it happened. My job was gone & I was unemployed for a yr & a half. All my savings had to be used to pay my rent & food etc. I was extremely depressed about my financial state & what the future held.

While I use to offer prayers sometimes, I was so blind that I realised only upon my father's death that it was my own doing what I was going through. I even didnt respect or show my appreciation for the most wonderful man in my life who will not be there anymore in this world. Now its little under a year since he left me & I still miss him everyday & I hope & pray this guilt with live with me to my last in this world so I can experience what I did wrong. And this is the biggest motivation for me, if I want to be with my father (who was Masha'Allah very rational muslim) in the hereafter (Insha'Allah), I have to get my act together.

Now I have a job & Im earning far more than I ever was. While I still save but the intention is slightly different & Im not worried about those investments anymore, Im trying to more towards preparing myself for the time when I have to leave this world.

WaAliekum Assalam


Junior Member

This was a good example for me, since I need to visit my father while he is still alive. I have to travel a good bit to see him...but I need to make the effort....

While I use to offer prayers sometimes, I was so blind that I realised only upon my father's death that it was my own doing what I was going through. I even didnt respect or show my appreciation for the most wonderful man in my life who will not be there anymore in this world. Now its little under a year since he left me & I still miss him everyday & I hope & pray this guilt with live with me to my last in this world so I can experience what I did wrong.

Thank you for sharing your observations of what you are putting as priorities, including your intentions with how to use the money you have earned. Most of us are faced with this, it seems.



Junior Member

Good thread!

Now I have a job & Im earning far more than I ever was. While I still save but the intention is slightly different & Im not worried about those investments anymore, Im trying to more towards preparing myself for the time when I have to leave this world.

Subhanallah Allah rewards those who are patient brother. Always remember everything you get in this life (including money) is because Allah has given it to you, and every time you give it away to someone else (eg. the needy) you are putting it into your "good deeds bank" in the Hereafter. You give it away and Allah gives you more. You give more away and Allah gives you yet more. It's a win win situation :biggrin:

I suppose my example would be about being stubborn and getting into unnecessary arguments. I'm generally quite a stubborn person (although I've declared jihad on it and have been working on it!). In the past if I was discussing something with someone I always had to win because I always thought I was right. This stubborness often led to a dent in my relationship with family and friends and now I realise it just wasn't worth it - just to win a silly arguement. But alhumdulillah I am much more humble and understanding these days and try my best not to force my views down anyones throat. Praise be to Allah for guiding me helping me to improving my character and may He continue to give us strength to become more like Muhammad :saw: who had the best of characters.
