Rulers of the world …......can you mount to this summit ????


Respected sisters & brothers :
Short time ago I've mentioned that most rulers nowadays are more like cowboys rather than wise men and women .the following is astory of your ancestors when people , all people , muslims and non muslims used to walk tall

Sa'eed Ibn 'Aamir Al-Jumahi​

………….At this point 'Umar asked Sa'eed for his support saying,
"Sa'eed I have chosen you as the governor of Hims."
He answered, "I beg you not to tempt me with worldly vanity,"
and 'Umar was angered. He said, "Woe to you. You have laid this burden upon me, and then all of you, turned away from me. I swear by Allaah I will not release you form the appointment. What should I assign for you as a salary? "

"What would I do with it, Commander of the Faithful? What would be given to me from the treasury would exceed my needs," he answered. So he went to Hims, and it was not long before travelers from Hims, people who were trustworthy came to see the Commander of the Faithful .
He told them, "Write the names of the needy citizens so that we can give them assistance."
They gave him a list, and on it was the name of Sa'eed Ibn 'Aamir . Surprised, he asked them which Sa'eed this was, and they said: "Our governor." "Is your governor poor?" 'Umar asked. "Yes indeed," they answered. "Many days go by between one time when he cooks in his home and the next."

Greatly moved, 'Umar wept until his tears were splashing down on his beard. Then he collected one thousand dinaars and put them in a bag and sent them to Sa'eed .

When the delegation brought the bag to Sa'eed he looked in it and when he found it to be money, he pushed it away saying: "Surely we belong to Allaah and to him shall we return," as if a misfortune or some terrible disaster had befallen him. His wife overhearing came running in alarm, saying: "What has happened, Sa'eed? Has the commander of the faithful died?" "Worse than that," he answered. "Have the Muslims been harmed in a battle?," she asked.

"Greater than that," he answered. "What could be greater?" she asked, "The vanity of this world has come to me," he said, "to ruin my chance of a share in the Hereafter, and temptation has entered my home."

"Rid yourself of it," she said, not understanding that he had received money, and so he asked, "And will you help me to do so?" "Of course," she answered.

Therefore, he took the money, divided it into many small bags, and distributed it among the needy Muslims.

Not long afterwards, 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab went to Syria to inspect for himself the living conditions of the people. He went to Hims, which was nicknamed "Little Kufah," because its inhabitants, like those of the original Kufah, were always complaining about their officials and their governors. When he arrived, the citizens came out to pay their respects to him, at which time he asked them whether they like their new governor.

They complained bitterly about a number of things that Sa'eed did, four things in particular. 'Uamar himself narrated: "So I had them confront him, and prayed to Allaah that I would not be disappointed in him, for I had great trust in him. I asked them, 'what complaint do you have about your governor?' they answered, 'He does not come and attend to our affairs until late in the morning.' "I asked: 'What have you to say about that, Sa'eed?' he was silent for a moment before answering: 'I never wanted to speak about this, but here it seems that I must. My wife does not have a servant to help her with the family, so I get up early every morning, knead the dough for them, wait a while for it to rise, and bake the bread for them. Then I make my ablutions and go out to the people.'

"So I asked them what other complaints they had about him, and they said he was never available to be seen at night. I said: 'What have you to say about that, Sa'eed?' he answered: 'I did not wish to make this public either, but I have made daytime for their affairs and the night to spend in worship of Allaah".

"I asked what other complaints they had, and they said: 'One day every month, he does not come out to us at all.' I asked Sa'eed the reason for this and he said: 'Commander of the Faithful, I have no servant, and no clothing save that which I am wearing. I wash it by hand once a month, and it takes it a whole day to dry so that I can put it on and go out again.' When I asked what else they complained of, they said that from time to time he appeared to faint and lose consciousness of his surroundings. When I asked Sa'eed the reason for this he said: 'I witnessed the execution of Khubayb Ibn 'Adiyy when I was still a pagan, and saw how the people of Quraysh cut him to pieces, asking if he wished that Muhammad was in his place. I heard him say he would never wish for himself to be safe and secure with his family, and Muhammad even be pricked by a thorn because of it. Every time I remember that day, and how I did not come forth to aid him, I fear that Allaah will never forgive me, and I do faint.'

At this point, Umar said: "Praise be to Allaah who has not disappointed me in you." Then he had one thousand dinaars sent to his home to take care of his needs. When Sa'eed's wife saw them, she said to him: "Praise be to Allaah who has made us no longer in need of your help at home. Buy us some provisions, and hire us a servant."

"Shall I get you something better than that?" he asked. "What could that be?" she asked.

He answered: "We will give it to the one who can return it for us, when we need it most."

Confused she said: "I still do not understand." He said, "We shall lend it, as a beautiful loan, to Allaah." She said, "Now I understand, and He shall repay it many times over."

On the spot, he divided the money into portions, and sent someone in his household to distribute it among widows, orphans, and the poor.

May Allaah be pleased with Sa'eed for he was generous to others even when he was in extreme need.