Russian! Русский!


Staff member

It seems to me that certain brothers and sisters are feeling a little left out in this section :) well, this IS Russian only, so maybe you can use it to increase your familiarity with the language, even though you may understand little of whats posted.

The Russian Alphabet (Cyrillic):


This alphabet is used not only in Russia for the Russian language but also in Chechnya, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria, Uzbekistan, Kazakstan and Mongolia, and there are probably more countries than that even.

The purple brackets are the actual sound each letter makes when spoken, I used to struggle with the accent, it sounds pretty twisted if you sound too 'english' when you say them...or whatever other accent you have :rolleyes:

The Russian accent is quite 'harsh' and 'strong'

Just try writing your name :)

Исра = isra

And some more familiar words which you can recognise in some of the posts:

Aллaх = Allah
Сура = Sura
Ислам = Islam
шахадатайн = Shahdah
салят = Salah
ас-саум = As-Saum
закят = Zakah
хадж = Hajj

You can even try writing if you want, Russian letters look quite different when theyre typed out as opposed to when theyre hand written so you can do it even if your computer doesnt have Russian on it:


The right hand columns are how each letter is written by hand.

Its really cool actually, its quite easy to read aswell, once you recognise the letters. Then its just a question of vocabulary for many of you.

Russian is fun to learn, and inshAllah you will get the hang of it.



Islam is my life
Staff member
assalamu aleikum
Jazakallah khair sister for this helpfull article
Если есть вопросы ,спрашивайте,я буду рада помочь.
Sister Esra where are u from?
waaleikum salam


New Member
Mashaallah sestri.Ya tak rada shto atkroili takoi prekrasniy sait.Inshallah vstretimsia zdes chasta.:hijabi: