Russian president fires police chief over airport bombing.



Russian President Fires Police Chief Over Airport Bombing.
Thursday 27th January, 2011

Russian President Mr Dmitry Medvedev has made good on his promise of action in the wake of the airport bombing in Moscow and fired his federal transport police chief before flying to the WEF summit in Davos.

President Medvedev has been accused in the past, by Russian media, as being hesitant and ineffectual, an image he has been quick to dispel in the wake of the bombing, which left 35 people dead.

Lashing out at the security services, President Medvedev said that security officials at airports had become “passive”, insisting that they would have known to stop the suicide bomber if they’d been doing their jobs properly.

A suicide bomber walked into a terminal at Moscow’s busiest airport on Monday and detonated 7 kilograms of TNT strapped round his waist, it was one of the most brazen and shocking terrorist attacks in the country, not least of which because it came less than a year after twin suicide attacks on the Moscow subway system killed 40 people.

In the wake of those bombings, the Russian government vowed to not let such an incident occur again in the Russian capital.

Mr Medvedev has promised that those responsible for Monday’s attack will be “annihilated”, while his Prime Minister,Mr Vladimir Putin, struck a more sombre tone, saying that “retribution was inevitable”.

However, the Russian government has not identified who was responsible and no organisation has claimed responsibility

News Report.

~May Allah swt help and guide us all~Amin!

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Take Care!
~Wassalam .