

New Member
My name is Staci. I'm new to this board and wanted to say hello. I reverted to Islam in early 2001. There have been several things since that time that have confirmed there is nothing like Islam. I can only hope that I can become a better Muslimah.


Muslim Guy

Welcome to the site.

Turntoislam is really going off the charts with the number of members joining. I can only imagine what it will be like in 4 months time. Good thing I joined a lil bit earlier, I can change my nick to "senior member" soon. :cool: Lol jokes.



Junior Member
welcome sis :))))

:salam2: sis
:SMILY206::SMILY206: to TTI
do enjoy ur stay , hopefully u gain more islamic knowledge, Arabic if u need to learn n increased in eeman :inshallah:
:wasalam: :hijabi: