Salam to all....


New Member
Assalammualaikum... wbt.

Hi all, may Allah bless to you all.
I'm Ainun from Malaysia. A male.

I found this site's very useful to share everything about the truth and beautiful in this very one and only religious which accepted and blessed by Allah, ISLAM! Insha-Allah.

Alhamdulillah.. subhanallah... syukran, i felt very glad with my tears of joy... when i'm watching all videos about westerners and european whose converted to Islam... May Allah protect their Iman (believing)... to them, keep learning... being a good and loyalty moslem...

Remember, we're now live in the end? of age... our Prophet (pbuh) once said(if i'm not wrong)... "in the end of the age.. moslems are too many.. like bubbles in the ocean" please, keep reminding to ourself... being a proper moslem.. keep learning, increase taqwa.. iman... practising prays(solah) properly... rise our hand and say prays, ask Allah to accept our ibadah and ask Him to reward us His heaven... Aminnn...


Junior Member


brother ainun. so nice to have you among us. I love it to c new members on this site from all over the world.

I hope you will enjoy your stay on tti and will benefit from the brothers and sisters here aswell as we will benefit from you inshaallah.

jazak Allahu ckair for your reminder. may Allah guide us to and on the straight path



Travelling towards my grave.
wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Welcome to the family of TTI brother. Please do not hesitate to start new threads, post in existing threads and/or asking any question(s) that may arise.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Junior Member
Welome to TTI family brother
May ALLAH increase your faith and knowledge in Islam through this place
I hope that you have a really benificial stay here
