

New Member
Assalamu Alaikum, I am a Canadian convert and I really like this site as it has lots of useeful information. I am currently a member of the CDA (Canadian Dawah Association). We focus on dawah to non-muslims and also follow up with new muslims. We also hold an annual dawah conference called Dawah in the West. Last year it featured William Abdullah Chappelle, who is Dave Chappelle (famous comedian) brother. We are trying to build our site ( to be more dynamic. If anybody is interested in helping out, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks!

Assalamu alaikum!

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
Wa Alaykum Asslam

Alhamduillah 4 blessing of islam..

Wellcome brother to TTI..enjoy ur stay..

i wish i could help u..but these days really i didn't have more time..

insha` Allah may Allah help u to find good brother to help u out..




Salamu alaikum brother. I am pleased to hear that brothers are active in Dawa in canada. May allah give you and all of us more strength to to do better.
I will do whatever I possibly can with my little knowledge to help.


Junior Member
Assalam u Aliekum,

Welcome. Masha'Allah its most honourable that you are doing dawah for Allah (SHW).
