*Scientific Hadith Miracle (Forming the Embryo)*


Here to help
The point to note here is, HOW could a man know that the embryo changes rapidly in week 6, and he names the exact features that start to change!! How? = GODLY INSPIRED!

The Hadith:
"..After the sperm-and-ovum drop (nutfa) has been [in the uterus] forty-two days, Allah sends it an angel that gives it FORM and FASHIONS its (ears), (eyes), skin, flesh, and skeleton..."
(Muslim :: Book 33 : Hadith 6393)


:salam2: :ma:


Here to help
Scienctific Miracle in a Hadith (Gender of the embryo)


The science site states that the sex is determined to be created in the sixth week:
"A crucial event that determines whether the embryo will develop into a male or female occurs in the second half of week six
If the Y chromosome is present in the embryo's cells, a gene within the short arm of the chromosome called SRY will turn on, initiating a chemical chain reaction that will turn on other genes and stimulate the production of male hormones. If the X chromosome is present, or if the SRY gene is missing from the Y chromosome, the embryo will develop into a female via mechanisms that are not fully understood.
Note: SRY stands for sex-determining region of the Y chromosome "
Source: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/gender/dete_nf06.html

Muhammad(pbuh) stated the same:

from Hudhayfa in al-Bukhari and Muslim states:

"The angel is sent to the sperm-and-ovum drop after it has settled in the uterus for FORTY OR FORTY-FIVE NIGHTS
and says, "Lord! Is it to be wretched or happy?" Then this is inscribed. Then he says, "Lord! Is it to be male or female?" Then this is inscribed..."

(Muslim :: Book 33 : Hadith 6392)

ABSTRACT. The first and essential step in normal sexual differentiation takes place during the 5th-6th week of gestation.

University Department of Growth and Reproduction, Rigshospitalet, Section of Clinical Genetics, Department of Paediatrics GGK, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Quite amazing because nobody knew this 1400 years ago, well, except God & his messenger Muhammad(pbuh)!


I'm not what you believe
subhanallah!there is no word to describe it.but it came to me a question:what does it mean"is it wretched or happy?"the destiny of each embryo is already written,without any chance to change it?may it be possible that when I was an embryo it was decided me to wretched,but with the help off Allah I became happy?I was really sad,had a bad childhood and suffered,but I don't know why,I entered in Islam and became happy:ma::salam2: