second day of taraweegh


Fière de ma religion
:hearts: Second Day of TARAVEEH

In the first section and the first verse the comprehensive picture of righteousness is presented, that explains that turning towards east or west does not amount to righteousness but the righteousness is in fact, is to believe in ALLAH the ONE WHO has no partner, to believe in the hereafter, the angels, the heavenly books revealed from ALLAH, and to believe in the Prophets and spending your wealth for the sake of ALLAH, on your relatives, orphans, needy and the travelers, those who ask for help, those burdened with debts and to relieve the captives on ransom. Establishing salaat, paying zakaat fulfilling the promises is also righteousness. Whoever has these virtues are true in their belief and those are really virtuous. In this section rules relating to the retaliation (qisas) and the details of making a will are explained.

In the second section it is said that fasting is made obligatory upon the Muslims and details of the revelation of the Quraan and the rules relating to fasting and the ethics of Ithikaf are explained and misappropriating other's wealth and taking bribe is forbidden.

The third section explains about the lunar months, sighting of the moon, and reformations of some of the customs and traditions of earlier times is made. Jihad and fighting in the way of ALLAH are ordained and the rules relating to Hajj, and Umrah are explained.

In the fourth section the months of Hajj and other rules relating to Hajj and exhortation for the remembrance of ALLAH and the kinds of people who make supplications (duas) are explained. Entering the fold of Islam completely is insisted upon and being cautious about the Shaitaan is emphasized.

In the fifth section the irreligious behaviour of Jews, their ungratefulness towards the blessings and favours from ALLAH, punishments meted out to them to tests are explained and also about the spending of wealth and the obligation of Jihad and fighting for the cause of ALLAH is discussed.

In the sixth section the sacred months are mentioned and the prohibition of fighting in these months, the punishments for the apostates, (those who revert back to their earlier religion known as Irtidad) and the merits of migration (Hijrah) and Jihad are explained. Prohibition of wine and gambling, behaving nicely with orphans, prohibition of establishing marital relationship with idolaters is discussed.

In the seventh section, it is ordained not to cohabit with the wives during the period of menstruation, husband and wife relationships, not to swear frequently for small things, the problem of swearing not to cohabit with wives, the rules relating to the divorced women, and the period of Iddat are explained.

In the eighth section, again the rules of divorce (talaaq), the rules of Khulaa and other details, prohibition of causing hardships, inconveniences and problems to the divorced women are discussed.

The ninth section calls upon not preventing the divorced women from marrying after the Iddat period is completed, the rules relating to fostering of the children in cases of divorce, rules relating to the women after the death of their husband, the prohibition of the Nikaah of the women during the Iddat period are explained.

In the tenth section the rules relating to the Mahr and maintenance of the divorced are explained, emphases on the regular performance of salaat and about the rules relating to divorced women are mentioned.

In the eleventh section there is mention of an event from the history of Banu Israel from which one gets guidance with regard to migration. Exhortation on sacrificing one's life and wealth for the sake of ALLAH and there is a mention about the king Talut.

In the twelfth section the history of Talut and Jalut is mentioned, and it is shown that ALLAH has given the believers superiority over non-believers in spite of being lesser in number. It becomes evident that changes in the authority and power depend upon the wisdom of ALLAH. In the last verse of the second part there is mention about the prophet hood and the messenger ship of last of the prophets, and the third part begins with; "ALLAH had preferred some messengers over some others…." But we are asked to believe in all the prophets without any discrimination or distinction.

The thirteenth section contains the Ayat al kursi the most meritorious of the great verses in Quraan. Each verse in the Ayat and each word explain the Unity and the Oneness of ALLAH, HIS Greatness and HIS power. It declares that there is no compulsion in Islam.

The fourteenth section contains an event from the history on this subject in the form of a debate between Ibrahim (A.S) and the contemporary king in which the king is silenced. The Holy Quraan presents the Tawheed, the Risalah and the Aakhirah in a different way. ALLAH, by mentioning about Uzair ( A.S) and Ibrahim (A.S) gives a manifest and practical example and demonstration which explains how HE will bring the dead back to life, the resurrection on the day of Judgment. It is not difficult for HIM and that HE has the Absolute Power and HE is All Powerful.

In the fifteenth section it is called upon to spend the wealth in the way of ALLAH, the merits of sadaqha and charity and the condition of its acceptance are explained. Asserting on the favours done to any one is condemned and it is explained whose charity is accepted and whose charity is rejected.

In the sixteenth section, it is again exhorted and insisted upon to spend the wealth in the name of ALLAH, give away in charity from the produce of your land and to give pure things in the name of ALLAH. Giving sadaqha and charity will not reduce the wealth, instead it increases it. The Shaitaan makes you scared of poverty that wealth will decrease by giving charity, but ALLAH promises you with forgiveness and HIS blessings and favours. It also explains as to what are the good ways of spending and other things.

In the seventeenth section explains that there is great reward and high position and grade in the hereafter and those fortunate ones will be happy and satisfied on that day. Wealth seems to multiply through interest, but ALLAH has made that HE will destroy it. The difference between interest and trade is explained and ALLAH has made the trade permissible, (halal) and the interest is forbidden (haraam). Those who deal with interest are the enemies of ALLAH and that war is declared by ALLAH and HIS messenger against them. If the debtor is in difficulty, it is commanded that time be given to him, and in case his debt is written off it is considered as a merit. Fear the day of Judgment, and on that day everything will be known.

In the eighteenth section, it is explained how to make deals, and they must be written down if there is a transaction in terms of advancing loans and to have witnesses. It is enjoined that one should be a true witness and false witnessing is forbidden, taking care of things left in trust (trustworthiness) and rules relating to mortgaging are explained in detail.

The last section of the surah al-Baqarah ends with supplications (duas), ALLAH's Greatness and Power, the need to believe in all the Prophets. ALLAH does not enjoin upon anyone more than his capacity, whatever one does will get its consequences and it is called upon them to believe with utmost sincerity and asking for forgiveness for the lapses on their part and also the supplications for the success and victory in this world and Duaa for forgiveness and salvation in the Aakhirah.

Surah Aal Imraan begins.

In the first section of this surah, it is said that the Holy Quraan, the Injeel (Bible) and the Taurat (Torah) are all divine Books of ALLAH revealed by HIM. Nothing in this universe is hidden from HIM. ALLAH gives shape to the man according to HIS wish in the womb of his mother. ALLAH has revealed in this book two kinds of verses. Some are very clear and its purpose and meaning is understood and there are some verses, the true meaning is known only to ALLAH and it is forbidden to try and find out its hidden meaning, only the deviated ones will do it, whereas the true believers would say that everything is from ALLAH and we believe in all (that is revealed). Oh ALLAH after having got the Guidance (Hidayah), we should not go astray and above all we become successful in Aakhirah.

In the second section it is said that the luxuries of life of the non-believers, their children and their wealth cannot save them from the torment of ALLAH and for such people there is a severe punishment. The believers and those who follow the path of righteousness and piety will be most successful. Ponder over the example of the battle of Badr. To ALLAH the only religion acceptable is Islam, which exists since the beginning of the world and the earlier people due to their differences lost its reality. Now it is the same Islam, which is to be followed, and the same way to be shown to others.