Sharing on "seeking for knowledge"


Junior Member
Assalamualaikum my dear brothers and sisters,

I just want to share what I've learnt from my islamic education centre here in Singapore. The module is called "History of Islamic Education II". First of all, Alhamdulillah I although I'm living in a secular state, with rahmat from Allah I'm able to learn deeply in Islamic context.

Ok here are some points:

- We need to know what is the objective of education. The objective is to
shape people or mankind with adab. Adab refers to quality-achievement,
good character and behaviour to discipline the mind and soul.

- Before receiving a knowledge ('ilm), spiritual preparation in seeking
knowledge is very important and forms the basis of education. This
comprises of 3 concepts: IKHLASH, HONESTY & PATIENCE.

- Why are the concepts important?
> Because without these concepts, he/she
will fail to seek knowledge as the niat/niyah/intention maybe based for
duniawi purposes (e.g gain certificate, get a great job with high salary). It
is not wrong but if the intention (niat) is solely because of gaining all that,
confusion in knowledge may happen.

> On top of this, the process of cleansing the heart need to be focussed.
With a 'clean' heart, knowledge can be gained smoothly insha Allah.

- Challenges need to be faced wisely. Some examples are:
> Try not to idolise the Western/modernised culture. What is meant here is
the movies or television series which is not necessary to be watched or
those contained unpermissible scenes.
> Read more Islamic books or any books as a source of gaining knowledge.
Knowledge is a gift from Allah but effort need to be put in first.
> Get back to the Islamic history and read on the success of the early
generations. This can be an inspiration to us too.
> Get back to sahih sources, Al Quran and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad
pbuh. Insha Allah if we read slowly, examine the meanings and apply to our
daily lives everytime everywhere insha Allah our heart will be cleansed.
> The ummah should also rise in the way which is blessed by Allah. Deepen
our knowledge about Islam and get back to Islam before doing anything.

This is just a summary. Please forgive me for my mistakes and hope this will be beneficial for brothers and sisters. What is good comes from Allah and what lacks come from myself. May Allah guide us to the Straight Path, strenghten our imaan and help our brothers & sisters in Islam who are suffering.

Aisyah. :blackhijab:


Allahu Akubar!!!!!

:salam2: sister Thanks for sharing what Allah (SWT ) have taught you. mashallah is very useful may Allah reward you for that