shias and sunnis

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muslimah sister

New Member

Has anyone been on the *removed* forum?

I am so disgusted with the sunni and shia category.

Why are the shia's so against the 3 caliphs Abu Bakr(ra), Omar(ra) and Usman(ra) ??????

They speak so ill of them and curse them.

They call themselves the 'slave of Ali'. How can anyone be a slave of anyone but Allah ???????? :astag:

Didn't our beloved prophet Muhammad(p.b.u.h) say to his companions that they will enter jannat ?????

So why do these people curse the companions of our prophet ????

I pray Allah guide them on the right path and take this hatred away from their hearts.



New Member
es selamu alejkum ue rahmetullahu ue berekatuhu

sister i think you should find better chatt rum's then shiia , they are against ehli sunnah wel xhema'ah

shiia are non -Muslim

selam from Kosova


Junior Member
shias are non muslims just like qadyanis. They disguise theirselves as muslims. they have their own Quraan and other holy books. they curse the companions badly.

They are followers of "Abdullah bin Sabah". They were among those who were called assasins in the past. They are the most "filthy kafir" of the time.

And worst is that no one is willing to accept them as kafir.

Their leader, Imam khumaini once said " i dont beleive in such ALLAH who has made Abu Bakr and Umar as caliph"

saba urooj

Junior Member
:salam2::tti_sister: Ameen

Yes!! i hv seen them talking ill abt Ayesha(RA)also:girl3:
Also they uses Alehsalaam(AS), After Hazret Ali(RA),Dnt know why:girl3:.....they dont belive in finality of prophethood---but its clearly mentioned in Quran---
"O people ! Muhammad has no sons among ye men, but verily, he is the Apostle of God and the last in the line of Prophets. And God is Aware of everything." (Surah Al Ahzab: 40)

may allah swt unites our ummah,n guides us all to the right path.:tti_sister::tti_sister::tti_sister:


ALLAH is in my heart
u r right sister.
i have very close experince of shias beleifs cuz our neighboures in pakistan r shias.
n they curse alot to the companions of the holey prophet MOHAMMAD saw.
n do lots of shirk n biddah.
may ALLAH guid them amin sumamin.

A Kashmiri

Junior Member
Well , they are product of the commander in Chief of the defeated Persian army which was defeated during the Khalifat of Abu Bakr ( RA) and Omar Farooq (RA).

Here is a brief history of this group and the historical links.....

When during mars (RA) khilafat, muslims defeated Great Persian and Roman empires., the persian commander Harmuz was brought in front of Omar ( RA) and
The defeated Persian governor and former military commander, Harmuzan, was brought before Caliph Umar. Umar said to the defeated Persian:
“Harmuzan, we Arabs are the desert-dwellers you considered too lowly for even fighting with. We used to get licked by small columns of your troops. Now you see your King’s throne and crown lying at our feet while he is running about places to save his life. How did that happen?”
Harmuzan replied:
“Sir, then it used to be a war between the Persians and the Arabs. Now you have your God with you

In other words, It was thus that Harmuzan and his Persian confederates realized that the power of the Republic of Medinah lay in its religious beliefs. To destroy the religious beliefs of the Muslims would be to destroy the Muslims.
Harmuz was forgiven by Omar ( RA) for execution, as he spilled his water which was requested by him which was the custom those days.

Harmuzan “converted” to Islam and moved to Medinah, whereupon he planned the Persian revenge on the Arab Muslims. Harmuzan blamed the Commander of the Faithful Umar for the downfall of the Persian Empire, and it was thus that Harmuzan hatched the plan to assassinate the Caliph.
In Medinah, Harmuzan became close companions with a staunch Christian named Jafeena Al-Khalil. Jafeena was a political pawn of the Roman ruler and had served as an official in Damascus, Palestine and Heerah; the defeat of Rome by the Muslims left its mark on Jafeena who–like Harmuzan–swore revenge. The third partner was a Jew by the name of Saba bin Shamoon (whose son would be Abdullah Ibn Saba, the notorious founder of the Shia movement). Saba despised the Muslims who had expelled the Jews on charges of conspiracy. All three of these individuals–Harmuzan the Zoroastrian, Jafeena the Christian, and Saba the Jew–belonged to peoples who had grievances against the rise of Muslim dominance.
They hired Feroz Abu Lulu, a Persian, who had recently been captured by the Muslims as a POW; he was a slave under a Muslim master. Abu Lulu stabbed Umar bin Khattab to death. A day before Umar had been assassinated, Abdur Rehman-–Abu Bakr’s son-–had seen Abu Lulu standing with Harmuzan and Jafeena. The three men were whispering to one another. As Abdur Rehman passed by, the three got startled and a double edged dagger fell to the ground. Abdur Rehman would later confirm that this was the same dagger that killed Umar. The murder of Umar was thus instigated by a coalition of a Roman Christian, a Jew, and a Persian Zoroastrian. It should be noted that the Prophet had prophecized that the Christians, Jews, and pagans would always be united against the Muslims.

Today, the modern day Shia venerate Abu Lulu, and they call him “Baba Shuja-e-din” which can be translated as “Honored Defender of Religion.” These Shia have a shrine erected for this murderer, located in the Iranian city of Kashan called the Abu Lulu Mausoleum wherein he is buried. The Shia travel from far distances to pray inside this shrine, and many of the Shia fast on the day that Umar was killed, and even pass out sweets. Feroz Abu Lulu is one of the venerated founding figures of Shia ideology; the same people who conspired to kill Umar were the ones who planted the seeds of the Shia movement.

Here is one more proof of this Jewish, Christian, and Zorastrian conspiracy to disfigure islam by creating shiaism.

The “Jewish Encyclopedia” says:

By : Hartwig Hirschfeld
A Jew of Yemen, Arabia, of the seventh century, who settled in Medina and embraced Islam. Having adversely criticized Calif Othman’s administration, he was banished from the town. Thence he went to Egypt, where he founded an antiothmanian sect, to promote the interests of Ali. On account of his learning he obtained great influence there, and formulated the doctrine that, just as every prophet had an assistant who afterward succeeded him, Mohammed’s vizier was Ali, who had therefore been kept out of the califate by deceit. Othman had no legal claim whatever to the califate; and the general dissatisfaction with his government greatly contributed to the spread of Abdallah’s teachings. Tradition relates that when Ali had assumed power, Abdallah ascribed divine honors to him by addressing him with the words, “Thou art Thou!” Thereupon Ali banished him to Madain. After Ali’s assassination Abdallah is said to have taught that Ali was not dead but alive, and had never been killed; that a part of the Deity was hidden in him; and that after a certain time he would return to fill the earth with justice. Till then the divine character of Ali was to remain hidden in the imams, who temporarily filled his place. It is easy to see that the whole idea rests on that of the Messiah in combination with the legend of Elijah the prophet. The attribution of divine honors to Ali was probably but a later development, and was fostered by the circumstance that in the Koran Allah is often styled “Al-Ali” (The Most High).
Bibliography: Shatrastani al-Milal, pp. 132 et seq. (in Haarbrücken’s translation, i. 200-201);
Weil, Gesch. der Chalifen, i. 173-174, 209, 259.H. Hir.
Source: JewishEncyclopedia,

Musa abu A'isha

Aussie Muslim
Some who call themselves 'Shi'i' are still Muslims, despite being a minority of the Shi'a. The scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah have declared this on many occasions.
However we should distinguish between those who clearly understand what they are saying and those who are ignorant of what their leaders tell them.


Junior Member
It is not my place to judge Shia. Although I find some of their practices strange to me, personally, I do not want to add fuel to a fire of dividing Muslims against one another. I am Muslim, I follow Qur'an and the example of our Prophet Mohammed (saw). I can say that I have attended a local Shia mosque with other non-Shia muslims and they were most hospitable and respectful towards us. They also catered for iftar at the mosque frequented by Sunni muslims in our area during Ramadan which was nice and their kindness was returned by the Sunni community. The way I look at it, when I stand before Allah on the Day of Judgement, I will be answering for my actions and behaviour, and I rather clean up my own backyard within my nuclear family and Muslim community than sit back and point fingers at others. Of course, I am a convert to Islam and did not grow up with any preconceived ideas about sunni vs shia. May Allah forgive us all for any wrongdoing.


Ahmad M. Al-Marshoud
in my opinion I`d rather not to talk about them because I am better than using the same way that they are using to talk about us , I think we have to teach them the right thing and the right way and if they didnt believe us we better not to talk about them , that my opinion only


Junior Member
aselemu aleikum

It is not my place to judge Shia. Although I find some of their practices strange to me, personally, I do not want to add fuel to a fire of dividing Muslims against one another. I am Muslim, I follow Qur'an and the example of our Prophet Mohammed (saw). I can say that I have attended a local Shia mosque with other non-Shia muslims and they were most hospitable and respectful towards us. They also catered for iftar at the mosque frequented by Sunni muslims in our area during Ramadan which was nice and their kindness was returned by the Sunni community. The way I look at it, when I stand before Allah on the Day of Judgement, I will be answering for my actions and behaviour, and I rather clean up my own backyard within my nuclear family and Muslim community than sit back and point fingers at others. Of course, I am a convert to Islam and did not grow up with any preconceived ideas about sunni vs shia. May Allah forgive us all for any wrongdoing.

MY POINT EXACTLY! we shouldnt hate anyone, especially if they are muslims as well..they too say LAA ILAHA ILA ALLAH, WEHDEHU WA LA SHAARIEKELEH!!

obviously they have bid3as (innovations) in what they do..but i wont judge any of them..they will soon know..SAUWFA TA3ALAMOEN


Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum

I dont think we need further discussion on this ...

Please check the following, you will find explanation on this topic...

The Creed of Shi'a from Their Own Sources

Sunni vs Shia

Information about the Shi’ah

We are in urgent need of information about the differences between the Sunnis and Shi’is. We hope that you can explain something about their beliefs?.

Praise be to Allaah.

The Shi’ah have many sects. Some of them are kaafirs who worship ‘Ali and call upon him, and they worship Faatimah, al-Husayn and others. Some of them say that Jibreel (peace be upon him) betrayed the trust and the Prophethood belonged to ‘Ali, not to Muhammad. There are also others among them, such as the Imamiyyah – the Raafidi Ithna ‘Ashari – who worship ‘Ali and say that their imams are better than the angels and Prophets.
There are many groups among them; some are kaafirs and some are not kaafirs. The mildest among them are those who say that ‘Ali was better than the three (Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Uthmaan). The one who says this is not a kaafir but he is mistaken, because ‘Ali was the fourth, and Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq, ‘Umar and ‘Uthmaan were better than him. If a person prefers him over them then he is erring and is going against the consensus of the Sahaabah, but he is not a kaafir. The Shi’ah are of different levels and types. The one who wants to know more about that may refer to the books of the scholars, such as al-Khutoot al-‘Areedah by Muhibb al-Deen al-Khateeb [available in English under the same title, translated by Abu Ameenah Bilaal Philips], Manhaaj al-Sunnah by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah, and other books that have been written on this topic, such as al-Shi’ah wa’l-Sunnah by Ihsaan Ilaahi Zaheer [also available in English translation] and many other books which explain their errors and evils – we ask Allaah to keep us safe and sound.
Among the most evil of them are the Imamis, Ithna ‘Asharis and Nusayris, who are called al-Raafidah because they rejected (rafadu) Zayd ibn ‘Ali when he refused to disavow the two Shaykhs Abu Bakr and ‘Umar, so they went against him and rejected him. Not everyone who claims to be a Muslim can be accepted as such. If a person claims to be a Muslim, his claim should be examined. The one who worships Allaah alone and believes in His Messenger, and follows that which he brought, is a real Muslim. If a person claims to be a Muslim but he worships Faatimah or al-Badawi or al-‘Aydaroos or anyone else, then he is not a Muslim. We ask Allaah to keep us safe and sound. Similarly, anyone who reviles the faith, or does not pray, even if he says that he is a Muslim, is not a Muslim. The same applies to anyone who mocks the faith or mocks the prayer or zakaah or fasting or Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), or who disbelieves in him, or says that he was ignorant or that he did not convey the message in full or convey the message clearly. All such people are kaafirs. We ask Allaah to keep us safe and sound.

Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz (28/257).عة
waaleikum salam
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