Shortly after Abu Talib passed away..


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The hafiz Abu al-Faraj Al Jawzi, related with a chain of authorities from Tha'laba Suqayr and Hakim Kizam who both said. "Whn Abu Talib and Khadija died, five days apart, he suffered two tragedies together. He kept to his house and rarely went out. Quraysh treated him worse that they would have ever intended before.

"News of this reached Abu Lahab, who came to him and, 'O Muhammad, pass on freely as you want. Do whatever you did when Abu Talib was alive. No, by al-Lat, I swear no harm will befall you before I die.'

Ibn al-Ghaytala insulted the Messenger of Allah (SAW), and so Abu Lahab went to him and punished him and he went off yelling, 'O tribe of Quraysh, Abu Utba has become a Sabian!'

Quraysh men then came and stood before Abu Lahab. He told them, 'I have not felt the faith of Abd al-Muttalib. But i will prevent my nephew from being harmed and ensure his own freedom of action.'

"They commented, 'You have done well and right, and maintained your family ties.'

The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) thereafter spent a period of some days coming and going without intereference from Quraysh who respected Abu Lahab. But eventually Uqba Abu Mu'ayt and Abu Jahl went to Abu Lahab and asked him, 'Has your nephew told you where your father has been sent?'

Abu Lahab then asked him, 'Muhammad, where has Abd al-Muttalib been sent?'

He replied, 'With his people.' So Abu Lahab when out to Uqba and Abu Jahl and told, 'I did ask him. And he replied, "With his people."

The two men commented, 'Well, he's claiming that he is in hell-fire then!'

Abu Lahab then asked him, 'Muhammad, is Abd al-Muttalib in the fire?'

The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) replied, "Whoever dies in the state of Abd al-Muttalib was in does go into hell-fire.'

Abu Lahab - Allah cure him - then annonunced, 'By God, I shall always be your enemy for your claiming that Abd al-Muttalib is in the fire!'

At that Abu Lahab and the rest of Quraysh intensified their attacks upon him."

This was taken from Ibn Katheer's Life of the Prophet (S.A.W) Volume 2, Page 98-99.

