Sister leaving Islam help


New Member
Asalamu alejkum wr wb my dear brothers and sisters in Islam....

My friend's friend who converted to Islam a while ago is considering leaving the religion, she says that she doesnt feel at peace..

and also she says that her husband who is a muslim is not a practising muslim and does not help her in her pactise in Islam, when she used to try to correct him he yells at her and tells her that he was born with Islam and does not need a convert to correct him..please my brothers and sisters I really need your help and advice to make dawa for this sister, she says that she believes in God but that she finds it hard to practise Islam,

in her previous discussions she has said that she doesnt believe that Allah swt will punish us in the hellfire..that Allah cannot be that cruel, she said that she finds things like avoiding non-halal meat, music, not wearing hijab too hard..and also the prayers are very hard for her to perform as she doesnt find any help from her husband with it..she said that it would be a HUGE help for her if her husband practised Islam..when she says something that is harram her husband shakes his head and tells her that she is wrong but he doesnt explain whyto her...

the sister has also said that when she prays the christian way(holding both hands) she feels God is listening to her but that doesnt happen when she prays the islamic way...she doesnt feel she has the right to be called a muslim because she does not feel anywhere near as good muslim as other muslims..

another thing that really hurt her is that she heard some muslim sisters backbitting in the mosque ..and since that incident she hasnt returned to the mosque...she is really hurting inside and really needs help..she said she was crying while writing to my friend abt this issue

I personally do not know this sister but my friend that knows her have asked me for help, the sister has even started to pray to Jesus astaqfirullah.. please anyone help me make dawa for our sister in Islam that needs breaks my heart to know that she is concidering leaving the truth

alejkum salaam wr wb

barak allah feikh in advance


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Esselamu Aleikum,

Find sister that is good in Islam and let het talk to her. Only good practicing muslimah can help her. And also if her husband is that ignorant she should divorce him, because there is no point being taken to hell, just because he does not know or want to show her how to practice this religion. It is harder for her because, she is convert, but is not good reason enough to leave Islam if she is convinced.


ISLAM should come by heart not for marrying someone. How can we help that sister. Ask her to study more about religions. Don't worry too much. Religion is not something like marriage. You marry someone, stay for somedays and then divorce. After that marry another guy. Religion is not something like that.

If she truly believe in GOD, and Love to live a life that pleases Him, then I believe she will settle down to ISLAM at some point in future.

Don't worry sister. Leave this mater to ALLAH (SWT).


Junior Member
I have came across this kind situation before. A sister thinking of leaving islam, and i will say the main problem is the people who gave her the shahada. most of the times we assume the person gets help after they take the shahada, which usually doesn't happen, and those converts lose the most important information which is tawheed, when the person grasps the importance of tawheed and his/her aqeedah is strong, then they can move on.

My advice would be, for any sister who knows that sister to look for good aqeedah and tawheed classes, then ask that sister (revert) to attend, and keep her close to you, then after while, she will understand...and after that if she decides to leave islam then...its between her and allah. but for now, she seems to have limited knowledge of what Allah is about and true aqeedah of islam.

also, the sister (revert) should NEVER look at the muslims and say " this is how islam is"...because there will always be bad muslims who do all sort of thing which islam forbids.

i hope that helps..


Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
and also she says that her husband who is a muslim is not a practising muslim and does not help her in her pactise in Islam, when she used to try to correct him he yells at her and tells her that he was born with Islam and does not need a convert to correct him..please my brothers and sisters I really need your help and advice to make dawa for this sister, she says that she believes in God but that she finds it hard to practise Islam,

Refer to the story of Asiah, she remain pious muslim lady though she knows her husband Fir'aun a self declared god (nauzubillah....) would kill her. Islam is the easiest way of life to practice, "do what you have been asked to do and don't for what you have been asked not to do" Simple. If wine is haraam in Islam, then it is haraam. If chicken slaughtered by muslim is halal, then it is halal. What's so difficult?

in her previous discussions she has said that she doesnt believe that Allah swt will punish us in the hellfire..that Allah cannot be that cruel, she said that she finds things like avoiding non-halal meat, music, not wearing hijab too hard..and also the prayers are very hard for her to perform as she doesnt find any help from her husband with it..she said that it would be a HUGE help for her if her husband practised Islam..when she says something that is harram her husband shakes his head and tells her that she is wrong but he doesnt explain whyto her...

Ask her, everything Allah created for a purpose, what was the purpose Allah created hells? Allah is not cruel, that's right. He is Al-Hakam (The Judge) and Al-Adl' (The Just). He is Al-Afu (The Forgiver) but He also Al-Muntaqim (The Avenger), Al-Mudhill (The Humiliator), Al-Muhyi (The Giver of Life) and He also Al-Mumit (The Taker of Life). Of course her husband should have been the khalifah, unfortunately he is not a good example. If she wants Islam, she should take initiative to learn, why not suggest her to join our TTI community?

another thing that really hurt her is that she heard some muslim sisters backbitting in the mosque ..and since that incident she hasnt returned to the mosque...she is really hurting inside and really needs help..she said she was crying while writing to my friend abt this issue

She should not be depressed because of some bird brained ppl. She should make intention she step into the masjid for Allah not for these women. She should be aware that not every one are pious muslim, there are black sheep in our community too.

May Allah to guide her.


Junior Member
and also she says that her husband who is a muslim is not a practising muslim and does not help her in her pactise in Islam, when she used to try to correct him he yells at her and tells her that he was born with Islam and does not need a convert to correct him..

What she needs to do first is remind her husband that our Prophet (peace be upon him) and ALL of the Sahaba (may Allah be pleased with them) were converts themselves, and who would be better teachers?

Secondly - in just about every religion on earth if one half of a marriage is trying to remain pious but the other is dragging him or her down or destroying their faith, this is acceptable grounds to sever the marriage.

She may want to surround herself with sisters who she knows are pious; they can help her and be her comfort.

Being a convert isn't easy. I've had to get use to eating halal (I'm still working on it), not listening to music, and even sometimes feel doing the salat is a bit tedious (may Allah forgive me) - but when I do it in congregation all that is gone. It sounds to me like the sister is being tested by Allah. And we all know that He does test us. But He also does not give us more than we can carry.

I pray that Allah gives his servant our sister peace in Islam. Amin.


Junior Member
assalamu alaikum,
i really feel sorry and sad when i find my converted sisters marry to non practicing muslims. the people, non practicing muslims they are not only far of islam but they even oppose islam and mostly, they criticize and mock the practicing muslims. i know a similar story. i know a converted sister, she is an italian reverted sister living in montreal, before, she was married to an algerian muslim brother. but unfortunately, before marriage she didn't know that the man was non paacticing person. after marriage she could find out that he was doing everything against of islam what's totally haram. he was never praying, ate all kinds of meat regardless pork or whatsover, when she asked her husband about non islamic behaviours, he used to mock her even sometimes verbally abused her. but alhamdulillah, her iman was strong and she could made the decision to devorce the man. after tha, this sister took her time to meet another person and finally she is married to an honest and practicing muslim. now she is happy about her life. last time when we were talking about the issue she was asking to all the converted sisters to stay far away from so called "nonpracticing muslims."
I don't know what to say you sister now about your friend's friend but we can just pray to allah swt to grant her hidayah.


New Member
asalamu alejkum my dear brothers and sisters...I'm overwhelmed by all the support that you have shown me... I have contacted my friend to tell her to come to this great community..inshAllah she will visit here..she's very shy and does not like to talk about what she is she wrote to my friend that she does not want to talk about this issue and has left islam astaqfirullah..I don't think she is thinking clearly..I think she just need to talk to a good practising muslimah who can help her..

just thinking about leaving Islam for me is like thinking about dying..I have no life without Islam and Allah swt in my heart..that what keeps me going..I hope Allah swt guides this sister and helps her..its true like one of you said I think this is a test from Allah swt..Allah swt tests the ones He loves the most and he would not test us if He did now know we could pass it subhanAllah..

gazija thats I feel to..her husband seems to be the issue

zbhotto I agree with you..her story reminds me of a man who ones left Islam as a teenager..he started to attend church etc..but subhanAllah he went back to Islam and today he's a stronger muslim than he ever was..

duran I agree she should attend those classes..I really feel it will benifit her..

brother hardrockmuslim subhanAllah may Allah bless you..your answers are really helpful..I will try to help her with your answers..

DanyalSAC I will inshAllah remind her of that story and subhanAllah like gazija said she should divorce her husband because he's the one dragging her down..

salek thank you for sharing your story..subhanAllah that story is very similar to the one I told...and mashAllah that sisters Iman was really strong.. inshAllah we will pray for her that Allah swt clears her doubts inshAllah..

pray for her my brothers and sisters..I will do my best to contact her and tell her abt this site..barak Allah feik for all the advice you've all given me..may Allah swt bless all of you....I will post more today inshAllah abt the progress..

alejkum salaam


New Member
Salamu alejkum my dear brothers and sisters..I have some good news..the sister is back..she wasnt thinking clearly when she said she'd left Islam but subhanAllah my friend spoke to her and she saw some videos at my friends blog about Islam:

subhanAllah my friend told her that Allah guides whom he wills and mashAllah the sister came back to Islam..she also spoke with her about the deen..may Allah reward her and all of you my brothers and sisters for the help

Barak Allah feikh and peace be with u all..


New Member
one thing that my friend told the sister was that the one who Allah guides none can misguide..that made her really think subhnanAllah :D

Fatima S.Ar

Happiness = Islam
Salamu alejkum my dear brothers and sisters..I have some good news..the sister is back..she wasnt thinking clearly when she said she'd left Islam but subhanAllah my friend spoke to her and she saw some videos at my friends blog about Islam:

subhanAllah my friend told her that Allah guides whom he wills and mashAllah the sister came back to Islam..she also spoke with her about the deen..may Allah reward her and all of you my brothers and sisters for the help

Barak Allah feikh and peace be with u all..

Al 7amdulillah
now I feel comfortable
tell her :

East or West .. Islam is Best;)

May Allak keep all of us on this right religion


Turn To Islam
Salamu alejkum my dear brothers and sisters..I have some good news..the sister is back..she wasnt thinking clearly when she said she'd left Islam but subhanAllah my friend spoke to her and she saw some videos at my friends blog about Islam:

subhanAllah my friend told her that Allah guides whom he wills and mashAllah the sister came back to Islam..she also spoke with her about the deen..may Allah reward her and all of you my brothers and sisters for the help

Barak Allah feikh and peace be with u all..

Salam alai kum

Alhamdulilah this is good news sister and all praise is due to Allah SWT alone. Sister please ensure that you become responsible for this sisters well being so she does not stray from the right path.

It would be good if there were some Islamic circles for this sister to attend inshallah. Make sure she is always in the company of good people as this definitely plays a big part.



New Member
Salam alai kum

Alhamdulilah this is good news sister and all praise is due to Allah SWT alone. Sister please ensure that you become responsible for this sisters well being so she does not stray from the right path.

It would be good if there were some Islamic circles for this sister to attend inshallah. Make sure she is always in the company of good people as this definitely plays a big part.


ameen and inshAllah I'll do my best to help her with that inshAllah..make dua for her...and may Allah bless each and all of you who've helped me