Some confusion


New Member
Hi All,
I am having some trouble learning to read Arabic. For example, let's make up two words, Katabana and katban . To me, I would write these two the same (Ka-ta-ba-na). But, how would I know how to pronounce each? Thanks.


Junior Member
I'm learning Arabic as well and honestly, it seems to me that I made mistakes quite often in pronunciation of Arabic until I learned the Arabic alphabet and pronunciations. Are you familiar with those yet because there are sounds in Arabic that are not found in English.

For the most part, except in Tajweed in certain cases, you will always pronounce Arabic letters the same way. Its not the same way with English for example: the two words "beard" and "heard" are spelled the exact same way except for one letter yet the don't sound a like.


Junior Member
I wish i can help ,i think that time and continuing efforts make things easier, May Allah help us all to learn what is good and guide us to do all that pleases him.


Junior Member

It would be easier if you knew the Arabic alphabets and the Arabic vocabulary.

For example, you said 'Katabana'
If you break it down, it would be 'ka', 'ta', 'ba', 'na'.

But in Arabic, 'ka' could mean either 'Kaf' ك or 'Qaf' ق
The 'ta' could be 'ta' ت , or 'ta' ط

But if you already knew the Arabic vocabulary, you wouldn't have this problem.
The Arabic vocabulary helps you identify the Arabic alphabets in the word, and the Arabic alphabets helps in the pronunciation of the word.
