Something Great happen at Work


Junior Member
Today while i was at work i was thinking about people converting to islam and how Guidance works. After 30 minutes i realize my best friend wife embraced islam at the mosque and then also sometime later one of my co-workers who is a cool guy, out of nowhere told me he just embraced islam at the Mosque 2 days ago at the mosque...subhanallah


bnqɯnɥ 'ɥɐq


That is amazing. Now if only my friends would see the light and allow peace and love from Allah (SWT) into their heart. :tti_sister:



Junior Member


That is amazing. Now if only my friends would see the light and allow peace and love from Allah (SWT) into their heart. :tti_sister:


The guy who accepted Islam tend to be openminded and was ready to question things but was still sincerly looking for the truth. Those are the people allah Guides, not those who look through the quran looking for mistakes or are looking for something to attack muslims. But Islam is spreading like wildfire at my work, 2 more other brothers embraced islam sometime ago....and my security guard and one of my team managers both are looking for Qurans.


bnqɯnɥ 'ɥɐq
The guy who accepted Islam tend to be openminded and was ready to question things but was still sincerly looking for the truth. Those are the people allah Guides, not those who look through the quran looking for mistakes or are looking for something to attack muslims. But Islam is spreading like wildfire at my work, 2 more other brothers embraced islam sometime ago....and my security guard and one of my team managers both are looking for Qurans.


Abosultely amazing. May Allah (SWT) guide them to the straight path. Like you said people look for "mistakes" in the Qur'an. Insha Allah one day they will see the beauty of Islam. Allah guides whom he wills, but I would like to be that smack in the face to wake them up :D



Junior Member
salam lol very true.

I think the reason why islam is spreading is because our small prayer room is located at spot where everyone in the building can see us. Most of them wonder why makes such people be so devout and pray..subhanallah they begin to wonder and from their..its up to them.

Anyways i want you to watch this small video clip of a miracle on google earth regarding prophet Mohammed's geographical instructions:


Junior Member

SubhannAllah...Oh my...:shahadah:


I am forwarding this to my sisters. I am absolutely stunned. My jaw dropped in amazement.


I know i was stunned too. To point it at the general direction of Makkah is one thing, but to directly point it at the Kabah itself which is not fairly large is just wow "Nor doth he speak of his own desire. It is naugh save an inspiriation that is inspired 53:1-4 quran" ..subhannalah.....may that increase your iman, i'm off to bed, salam alakum


Junior Member
Masha allah

That is good news masha allah what an amazine news tagbiir allahu akbar tagbiir allahu akbar tagbiir allahu akbar may allah swt guide them to the straight path ameen.