Spanish muslim

Sister Faisa

Junior Member
Asalamu alaykum!

I am a half Spanish half Bosnian revert sister alhamdoulilah. See my mother is Spanish and my father is Bosnian, although allot of people cant seem to tell that im half bosnian lol and I'm only fluent in English, Bosnian (what I speak at home) and Russian.... But my Spanish is embarrassing.. My mother always encourages me to speak it but I feel like I can't do it, I'll give up half way and start speaking Bosnian ..

Is there anyone here who is really good and would be willing to teach me a couple sentences or too:)

P.s I still root for the Spain national team for FIFA !

Khair inshallah


Pearl of Islaam
Assalamu allaicum wa raahmatullah wa baarakatuhu querida hermana

MashAllah que tu eres ahora Muslimana y Alhmadulillah que Allah te enseno chamino correcto y es Islam.: )MashAllah que tu papa es Bosnian, y si puedo pregunthar es el Bosnian Muslimano?

Yo se hablar Espanaol qurida hermana y Inshallah te puedo esenar las mas importante sentencias, aunque jo tambian tengo que aprender mas bian Espanol InshAllah.



He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
Salam aleikum hermana,

Bien venido,
Yo tambien puedo hablar espaniol pero nu se escribir bien porque aprendy sola. Es divertido :muslim_child: Donde vives ahora ? ah , Canada. Si aprendes espaniol o no, es lo mismo, lo mas lindo es ser muslima, hamdullilah ...ahora es una pregunta en mi cabesa ...que idioma se habla en Janah or Jahanam ?:confused: talves una nueva idioma Que Allah te proteje, amin :tti_sister: